Maria V.
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Maria V.
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Russia 2020. Our government decided that it’s better not to have “Emergency situation” and official quarantine. Russian citizens instead have “self-isolation”.In this case we all need to stay home, BUT no money were added to our accounts, no food provided from government or any kind of support at all. Instead, they decided that citizens without job, money and support need to pay fines every time they are on the street. What a great idea! And just before COVID-19 Russian Ruble felt dramatically because our government decided to have even more oil then before...Thanks again. Now we have: millions of poor people trying to survive, billioners get more money than before, government has more money from fines, but none spent on citizens, all small business shut down and have no chance to recover. In this situation any other country would help their own citizens. But Russia as a very generous country sent help to China,USA,Italy and other countries. Don’t worry, we don’t have sufficient quantity of doctors and medical resources, medicine in Russia will survive somehow. So would people. And everything after this pandemia...not going to change. Our country forgot about us.
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