Residents of Rocinha favela show their thanks to health teams working to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Title (Dublin Core)
Residents of Rocinha favela show their thanks to health teams working to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Description (Dublin Core)
This film shows residents of the Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro celebrating health workers by clapping, cheering, and flashing the lights of their homes. The captions reads: "Residents of Rocinha applaud and flash their lights in gratitude to the whole medical team that is dedicated to the prevention of the coronavirus. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! Film by a resident."
The entry is tagged with #COVIDnasFavelas, a hashtag documenting the efforts of local residents to provide food and care in the absence of federal, state, and local resources and leadership. As the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to deny the severity of the pandemic, the most marginalized communities are crowd-sourcing food to help those forced to stay home. Most workers and families have few or no savings to draw on.
"Moradores da Rocinha aplaudiram e piscaram as luzes em agradecimento a toda equipe médica que está dedicada na prevenção do coronavírus. FOI LINDO!!! Vídeo de morador #COVID19NasFavelas"
#COVIDnasFavelas #NJIThist380
The entry is tagged with #COVIDnasFavelas, a hashtag documenting the efforts of local residents to provide food and care in the absence of federal, state, and local resources and leadership. As the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to deny the severity of the pandemic, the most marginalized communities are crowd-sourcing food to help those forced to stay home. Most workers and families have few or no savings to draw on.
"Moradores da Rocinha aplaudiram e piscaram as luzes em agradecimento a toda equipe médica que está dedicada na prevenção do coronavírus. FOI LINDO!!! Vídeo de morador #COVID19NasFavelas"
#COVIDnasFavelas #NJIThist380
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This is a screen capture of a twitter post
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