Getting close to check-in time at the Marrakech Airport in Morocco. Repatriation flight thanks to the U.K. Embassy.
Title (Dublin Core)
Getting close to check-in time at the Marrakech Airport in Morocco. Repatriation flight thanks to the U.K. Embassy.
Description (Dublin Core)
Getting close to check-in time for our Ryanair repatriation flight to London from the Marrakech Airport in Morocco. Repatriation flights for England, Turkey, Germany, France and the Netherlands were taking off all week thanks to arrangements made by their governments. The United States finally replied to their citizens announcing there would be a few flights out on March 20, 2020 at a repayment cost of $1475 a person. This announcement was made at 12:01am on March 20, 2020, not allowing enough time for all Americans to get to Marrakech and flights were leaving at 25% occupancy. We worked with the U.K. Embassy and were able to get on a fully packed repatriation flight to London and then onto Orlando via JFK Airport in New York for a total of $925. So disappointed to be an American during this time. We had been traveling the world since late December and got caught up in the Coronavirus pandemic trying to out-run it. Only to have it finally catch up to us in Morocco. Original iPhone video. #HST643
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