
New York Times Mini Crossword Puzzle May 4, 2020

Title (Dublin Core)

New York Times Mini Crossword Puzzle May 4, 2020

Description (Dublin Core)

Since self-isolation began for my household, my husband and I have started doing crosswords from the NYT (New York Times) with friends via Zoom. We can share our screens and complete the puzzles together. It has been good way to exercise our brains and connect with others. I'd be curious to see if subscriptions for the NYT Crossword, which has its own separate subscription option, have increased in the last few weeks.

Date (Dublin Core)

Creator (Dublin Core)

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Type (Dublin Core)


Publisher (Dublin Core)

The New York Times

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Original Format (Omeka Classic)

Screenshot of New York Times Crossword section.

Accrual Method (Dublin Core)


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