Picking up litter on our neighborhood walks
Title (Dublin Core)
Picking up litter on our neighborhood walks
Description (Dublin Core)
Photos of my partner and I picking up litter in our Taylors, SC neighborhood during our walk. We wear masks to go out and walk in the neighborhood no matter what but add gloves if we plan to pick up litter.
It's hard to feel useful or any sense of control during this time. Doing this while we get out for a little exercise gives us a small feeling of control over our immediate environment and a sense that we are doing something positive for ourselves and our neighbors. It feels better than staying entirely isolated and feeling helpless in the face of all of this fear, grief and loss.
It's hard to feel useful or any sense of control during this time. Doing this while we get out for a little exercise gives us a small feeling of control over our immediate environment and a sense that we are doing something positive for ourselves and our neighbors. It feels better than staying entirely isolated and feeling helpless in the face of all of this fear, grief and loss.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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