Michele and lonely pirate
Title (Dublin Core)
Michele and lonely pirate
Description (Dublin Core)
Well I've been quarantined for so long and I've had literally nothing to do with myself! I always try and draw everyday something new because it gives me something to do! This image tells us how the pandemic has us bored in the house but also how the pandemic has kept us creative with new things to do each day!
*Creator:* I did!
*Date:* Taken April 24th
*Typee:* Its a drawing I drew during this time
*Creator:* I did!
*Date:* Taken April 24th
*Typee:* Its a drawing I drew during this time
Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
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Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
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