
Entries of A College Girl During The Pandemic


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Entries of A College Girl During The Pandemic

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The PDF includes a few entries over the course of a few days of the week that highlight the end of the college spring semester. It also includes minor political opinions and experiences with Zoom. CSUS, HIST 15H

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Orangevale, CA May 3, 2020
(Still in Quarantine supposedly California will reopen May 22, 2020?)

There have been positive and negative outcomes from being locked
up in our homes. Personally, I live in a small house with seven family
members and at times, they can get on my nerves, but nevertheless I
love them, they are familia. On Instagram, I follow Brown Issues; they
are a social justice organization that highlights Latinx issues in the
United States. On my feed, I came upon this political cartoon by Lalo
Alcaraz. In the cartoon, Trump supporters refuse to listen to the CDC
guidelines and are protesting the lockdown, claiming their civil
rights are being violated. However do they understand that civil
liberties and civil rights are two different concepts? Civil liberties
relate to the protections one has before their government, while civil
rights relate to the protections we have amongst one another. Civil
rights include: the right to vote, right to a public education, right
to a fair trial by jury, and right to use public facilities. Civil
rights grant an individual equal opportunities and treatment
regardless of their race, gender, religion, or sexual oreintation.
Civil liberties are the rights granted from the Constitution that give
us, the people, freedoms of the first amendment. Though these Trump
supporters are free to practice their civil liberties they are
infringing upon the civil rights of others, since they can possibly

infect other individuals who are at high risk. However, the cartoon
artist makes a good point by including how the Trump Administration
has dealt with immigrants and DACA recipients.
May 4, 2020 - Still in Orangevale where else can I go?
How about we talk about Zoom? It is Monday and I have started my
last week of class for the spring semester. Finals are only one week
away, and staying motivated during times of crisis is difficult. Just
imagine: You have been going to school K-12 for eight hours five days
a week and if you choose to continue school, another four to five
years of going about your school routine. Then all of the sudden you
are forced to be home. Home sweet home! Home is relaxation, or if you
grew up in a Mexican household you are constantly ordered to do
chores, more if you are a woman. The point is I have made it a habit
to “get into the zone” in an academic setting. The library, an empty
classroom, or a coffee shop have been my go to places. I have sat in
the same desk for half of the spring semester in my garage. I have
made this space my classroom because I live with seven other people in
a confined space. It was also very easy to lose focus on the
professor, whether the camera was on or off. Or maybe it was just my
Environmental Science class, but I zoned out and I am not the type of
student that would do that on a normal basis. Other than for just
school purposes, I had to interview for a job through Zoom. I had

never done an online interview, but I had no choice and it was a group
interview. I don’t think I got the job. I had my interview in early
May 5, 2020 -Still in my Garage in Orangevale, CA
Happy Cinco De Mayo and Taco Tuesday, although I don’t celebrate
either. Yesturday, I had a meeting with the Career Exploration center
at Sac state. I met the individual virtually, just to clarify. He was
friendly and helpful in answering my questions about graduate school.
After all the recent events that have happened in the first five
months of 2020, how can I even fathom thinking about the future when
the present seems to be the end? Thinking about the future distracts
me from the anxiety and stress I have experienced during quarantine.To
relieve that stress I have painted, danced, and read fictional novels
for fun. I am a sophomore in college, but I must think about the steps
I need to take to get into graduate school. I am a first generation
student, so I have no idea how to go about higher education. My career
exploration mentor advised me to network during the summer, do virtual
volunteer work, or interview someone in the same line of work I would
like to go into someday. In addition, he made it clear to do research
about the graduate programs I would like to apply for. So I guess, I
do have plans for the Summer of 2020?

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