Hopi Tribe Announces 20 Positive Cases; Navajo Nation Mourns Loss of Former Miss Western Navajo Nation to COVID-19
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Hopi Tribe Announces 20 Positive Cases; Navajo Nation Mourns Loss of Former Miss Western Navajo Nation to COVID-19
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“KUYI Hopi Public Radio reported that the Hopi Tribe held a digital town hall with Hopi Health Care and Indian Health Service officials where they said out of the 39 positive test results from Hopi Health Care Center, more than 20 were confirmed cases of Hopi Tribal members…As of April 27, the confirmed positive cases on the Navajo Nation reached 1,769. Fifty-nine people have died, one of whom was former Miss Western Navajo Nation 2015-2016 Valentina Blackhorse, who was from Kayenta, Arizona.”
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