
The Scaryness of the Unkown

Title (Dublin Core)

The Scaryness of the Unkown

Description (Dublin Core)

My names Ryan Altman, I'm an 18 year old teen from California. Recently I became very sick with a fever and an extremely sore throat. I went to the doctor thinking it was strep throat and they thought that it was strep also. They tested me for strep and did two tests. I was given a rapid test that came back negative and a longer test that we would receive the results to after 3 days. The doctor assumed I had strep so she gave me antibiotics. The doctor didn't think it was necessary to test me for Covid-19. After three days we received a phone call telling us that my strep results came back negative. At this point I was feeling somewhat better so I nearly finished my antibiotics. after a few days of feeling better I woke up with a horrible sore throat again and a fever so we called the doctor. The doctor still didn't (kinda refused) to test me for corona because I wasn't coughing. They said that I most likely had mono and that there was no point in testing me for mono or covid. So I'm currently at home unsure of what sickness I have, unsure of how to treat my sickness to get better, and worst of all I could be spreading the virus to other people because I don't even know if I have it or not.

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