Quarantine Struggles
Title (Dublin Core)
Quarantine Struggles
Description (Dublin Core)
Today I did my usual routine: I stretched, ate breakfast, did my school for the day, worked out, read my book, played with my sister, relaxed, and ate dinner. For my relaxation today I just watched YouTube and my favorite show to watch with my mom, Flea Market Flip. There are also a lot of free movies and shows because of quarantine. I have been trying to make my routine the same things, but different things each time. For example, I will still run every day, but changed my speeds and rest. I am also trying to find time to do those things that I have always wanted to do. For example, I am overseeing planning my little sister’s 5th birthday party. I will be able to get out of the house and go to a store, this time Walmart, for the first time in over a month. I am super excited to plan games and crafts for the whole family to do because my sister cannot invite her friends from preschool.
*Original text in "Creator:" Nicole Dumitrascu #LSMS #NSD
*Original text in "Creator:" Nicole Dumitrascu #LSMS #NSD
Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Accrual Method (Dublin Core)