Tryto keep it light
Title (Dublin Core)
Tryto keep it light
Description (Dublin Core)
Why can't we all try to have a little fun despite living through a pandemic. As an employee of a large liquor retailer I think that I come into contact with more people than average amidst the quarantine. Despite being at risk due to my asthma I have never really felt scared to go to work and interact with lots of people. I have seen this situation bring out the good and the bad in people but try not to pass judgement as I don't always know (or really care for that matter) what the customers are going through. But as I think about the most memorable experiences, they're predominantly good ones. I remember one customer who used a jock strap as a face mask. I hope it was clean. I've heard people trying to joke around and keep the mood light. Overall I have been surprised by the people I interact with for the most part.
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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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