
Life in a Crisis

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Life in a Crisis

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If you had told me about the world of confusion and irritating mask wearing, I was in for at the start of this year I would not have listened to any of that nonsense. After hearing about it in January and seeing it pop up a few times on social media I didn't really see the full extent or reach it started to gain globally until February when my work called for a mandatory meeting about the virus. That meeting sparked many cleaning policies and other mandatory rules my cafe had to follow. My work ended up having what I cannot think to call it besides a "panic attack". We started to only allow guests in for pick up before completely excluding them from the building sometime around mid-late March. I remember there being one week where we changed the way we were running things about 3-4 days in a row. Starting with the pickup only then leading to ordering for guests, all the way up until we started locking our doors and leaving a kiosk machine outside. Now my days are spent on the line rather than in the front or dining room and the schedule has half the amount of people it that it used to. Days at work were slow at first when people all started losing their jobs and staying indoors, then they all got unemployment and as a herd of sheep do, they all followed each other into our drive through in mobs. After the stimulus check dropped our drive through was never the same, nor was it ever clear. Our line and the Starbucks line next door both would extend out of the drive through for hours on end throughout the day taking up all the parking lot and constantly intersecting the lines.

Not only has work life been hectic, but so has life at home. The life of quarantine is not too far from that of a shut-in’s life, minus the mandatory masks that you sweat all day under when you need to leave the house. The past 2 months have felt like I am locked in a cage, I have the key but there is no reason to go outside because it is just as empty and sad. Stuck indoors I've only had once real source of entertainment or way to occupy my time and unlike the half the world completing DIY's and making a garden, I'm with the other half of the world eyes glued to the T.V. having nothing to do but play games all day. Now this life sounds like the dream, but that fantasy is dead wrong. I never knew how much the games I love would grow stale when it feels like I am forced to play them. This virus has led me to a newfound respect for the freedom and luxuries I have in my daily life. This desolate lifestyle has left its mark on me as well with its closed gyms, fast food, and sedentary lifestyle makes me feel like I am becoming a potato.

This little essay piece (more like a list of complaints) has not even dipped its toes into the mess that has been my school life as of late. Back when I was in high school, I transitioned through a few different schools before stopping on an online one. I thought being able to work on my own time would be great for me, but I was wrong. Left unchecked I had no urge to push myself and distraction after distraction kept me from completing my work. The times I did manage to do my work I had such troubles (guess I am a hands-on learner) from understanding where we were at to even knowing what assignments I had to do. Let us just say online school was rather difficult for me, so you can imagine my delight when we were forced to transition to online school due to corona. Yet again I had all the distractions in the world at my fingertips, I had no self-discipline or someone telling me what I needed to do. I started to miss deadlines, started to slip up on the assignments I was doing because I did not study and would turn them in last minute. This led to me having a serious panic attack pseudo crisis when the end of the semester started to approach, and I had mediocre grades and tons of finals I had not started or been prepared for. Luckily, I have managed to pull through, we are now on the last week and I am only short 1-2 short finals until course completion and I am home free. These past few months have been a nightmare I will never forget, and I cannot wait to be rid of this pandemic so I can live my life again.

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