Trying to Survive Covid-19
Title (Dublin Core)
Trying to Survive Covid-19
Description (Dublin Core)
[Curatorial Note]: Discussion of finding out that school would close for the rest of the 2019-2020 academic year.
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To the start of the quarantining, we were in school and there were talks going around that we were going to shut down but no one really knew. Later that day they called off school on some random day in the week. Everyone was excited because we thought it was only going to be 2 weeks break then we go back to school. But sadly no, as time went on no one was sure what turn school was going to take as far as going back to normal. They officially announced that school was canceled for the year. That was the end of my senior year ending it with COVID 19. No one knew it was going to be the last day of school. Then it finally was and my school career ended, just like that.
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