
Amid Pandemic, Winnebago Tribe Prioritizes Resources

Title (Dublin Core)

Amid Pandemic, Winnebago Tribe Prioritizes Resources

Description (Dublin Core)

“The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, like all the other tribes across the na-tion, has been affected by the corona-virus. Social distancing restrictions has caused many changes within the community including the temporary closing of the Winnavegas Casino, the main resource for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. Inevitably, this also forced the tribe to temporary furlough certain tribally funded positions…Unfortunately, the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, a government agency, is not eligible for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) “a loan designed to pro-vide a direct incentive for small busi-nesses to keep their workers on payroll” ( Staying optimistic and proac-tive, the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska has been taking steps to take care of the tribal members, community and its employees to the best of its ability…The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska is waiting for a distribution from the US Department of Treasury. The Coronavi-rus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump which included an $8 billion allocation for all tribes to fund COVID-19 prevention, preparedness and response.”

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Type (Dublin Core)

Tribal Newspaper

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Date Modified (Dublin Core)

11-22-2020 Jacob Petrey

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