
Ease from AP's

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Ease from AP's

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I'm currently a junior in high school and honestly, it might be ignorant to say but, I feel like this pandemic has brought numerous advantages to me academically. I'm currently taking 3 AP classes this year, and honestly, I was feeling a little bit overwhelmed this AP season. let's say I wasn't really looking forward to hours of grueling mental torture. Now AP tests breezed by, only taking up around 50 minutes of my time. Everything is easily available to search up online, and only a tiny portion of everything we've learned in class is included, and someone who didn't even study can get a good grade. For AP US history, there was only one DBQ with 5 short documents. One doesn't even need much historical backing in order to write a thesis and weave all the prepared documents into one coherent essay, which could easily get someone a passing grade. For AP language and composition, it was one rhetorical analysis essay, which again, is one of the easier types of writing since you're merely explaining what techniques the author uses to present their argument. For AP psychology, all of the terms could be easily found online.Of course I wouldn't want thousands of people dying just so I could get some AP credit, but since it's already happening, I might as well spread some minor positive vibes around here.

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This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by April Huynh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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