
New Hobby

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New Hobby

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The pandemic gave me time to work on a hobby that I didn't really give time to try. Last year my grandma bought me a sketchbook so I can practice my art. Since that year I've only drawn one thing in it. I've always liked drawing but never really considered it a hobby since I didn't give it much of my time. Now that I have more time to try things out, I chose drawing. I now consider drawing as one of my hobbies and really enjoy doing it when the urge comes. I hope more people take advantage of this time to perfect a hobby they have or discover a new one such as cooking or croqueting because it's good to have something you like to do.
Drawings that I made.

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Two women are photographed on a large lawn playing a game of croquet. One is reaching for a ball, while another watches from the background.
Playing Croquet Linked Data Image

This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by Emily Ton using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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