
Reaction to a sudden lockdown

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Reaction to a sudden lockdown

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I have submitted 3 memes which highlight people's reaction to the pandemic. One of the memes shows what everyone expected from 2020 vs what they got which was police guarding toilet paper against people who were scared and started hoarding it. The second meme shows Darth Vader as the good guy as he is wearing a mask and listening to orders. This shows the redefinition of good vs bad citizen. The third meme shows the anxiety of people who are unable to pay rent and collecting more and more debt. With the government stimuli being too little to actually help, and the worst unemployment in history, people are feel attacked as shown in the meme.
memes found on instagram

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This item was submitted on June 1, 2020 by Yasvi Patel using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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