
Travel restriction due to COVID-19

Title (Dublin Core)

Travel restriction due to COVID-19

Description (Dublin Core)

With spread of COVID-19, many schools are now closed and those who originally lived on campus have no place to live. The students have to their home countries. However, many countries are reducing air travel today to prevent coronavirus and reduce cross-infection on airplanes.It's very difficult for these students to get back, not only do they have to accept expensive plane tickets but they also have to continue learning under the pressure of COVID-19. Therefore COVID-19 cause many damages to students.
ambiguous.It stems from the rules that each country has in place to control the spread of the disease. Travel Restriction makes me think that while he could certainly prevent the outbreak, a large part of people are still upset about restriction. I think a modest increase in flights is necessary. Because of the spread of COVID-19, many countries have adopted travel restriciton to prevent importation of the virus from abroad and to prevent people from cross-infection in confined Spaces on airplanes

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text story

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Source (Dublin Core)

Think Global Health

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This item was submitted on June 2, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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