
Online courses

Title (Dublin Core)

Online courses

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I am a student. School shifts all courses to remote courses due to Covid-19. During the online course, homework is twice that as usual. I guess professors think we are staying at home all the time and have more time doing homework. I kept studying and coding during this quarantine.

Secondly, it is hard to access professors or TA. When I sent them emails, I didn't get a response in time every time. Some professors are strict and couldn't understand why students couldn't get help. TA thinks students can email the professor, and the professor thinks students can ask TA if they have questions. Finally, I didn't get any help and it does waste my time. I should take advantage of this time that was wasted doing other homework.

Finally, one of my ICS professors is kind of mean, but he is trying to be nice and fails very fast. He doesn't trust any students in his course because he thinks students get high grades due to cheating. Therefore, he would change the 100 points exam to 10 points. He pushes students to do more homework and gives them fewer points. This might be the worse thing during this special time.

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This item was submitted on June 5, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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