From Riots to Lockdown, Hong Kong to Coney Island
Title (Dublin Core)
From Riots to Lockdown, Hong Kong to Coney Island
Description (Dublin Core)
"The political climate of “One Country, Two Systems” of my mother’s home country of Hong Kong hit home for me as a first-generation American. A part of me resonates with student protestors resisting a communist regime such as China."
This article describes the abrupt change from writing about Hong Kong and China and its protests to writing about the Covid-19 pandemic, written by a senior journalism student following a beat developed and thought about in terms of the "local" in a journalism course at Pratt Institute that was upended by the pandemic.
This article describes the abrupt change from writing about Hong Kong and China and its protests to writing about the Covid-19 pandemic, written by a senior journalism student following a beat developed and thought about in terms of the "local" in a journalism course at Pratt Institute that was upended by the pandemic.
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