Massachusetts COVID-19 Order No. 31
Title (Dublin Core)
Massachusetts COVID-19 Order No. 31
Description (Dublin Core)
This order required that all residents of the state above the age of 2 years must wear a face mask/covering, either inside or outside, when social distancing is not possible. As scientists raced to understand COVID-19's transmission, the medical community's stance on face masks gradually shifted. In the early days of the pandemic, physicians and public health officials advised against the use of masks, citing their relative ineffectiveness, only to do an about-face a couple of months later by stressing their importance in cutting down on the airborne contagions that allow the virus to jump from person-to-person.
Date (Dublin Core)
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Type (Dublin Core)
State executive order
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Office of the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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