
Skepticism on China's reporting of cases and overall handling of Covid-19 becomes popular talking point

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Skepticism on China's reporting of cases and overall handling of Covid-19 becomes popular talking point

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Here we have a twitter user touting the popular talking point on skepticism regarding China's reporting of cases and handling of the virus. I found a lot of similar sentiments on twitter and felt it important to share this aspect of the online virus discourse to the archive to properly present the many ideas people have. In fact, I have heard similar sentiments not just online but in my own life from people I know personally. China has seen a drastic reduction in new cases, and as such many theories are thought of to explain this, especially due to the fact that the US and other western countries have not had similar success. It also highlights the new tension between global superpowers that the virus has brought up.

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This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Armaan Sharma using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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