
Socially Distanced Reception: MCRD San Diego

Title (Dublin Core)

Socially Distanced Reception: MCRD San Diego

Description (Dublin Core)

This screenshot showcases B Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion's early morning reception at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego (MCRD San Diego), the Marine Corps' basic training installation for all recruits enlisted west of the Mississippi River. With social distancing an integral measure to counter the coronavirus's advance, recruits appear to be staggered in formation so as to avoid shoulder-to-shoulder contact, as indicated by the empty yellow footprints that would normally be occupied four to a row. However, it must be noted that at this date, none of the recruits have masks, and neither do the receiving sergeants in the photo's background, therefore underscoring the difficulties of rapidly adapting to a novel infectious disease whose spread could have dire consequences in a military environment.

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Marine Corps Times

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This item was submitted on July 1, 2020 by Aaron Peterka using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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