
Life in Isolation: The Coronavirus... John Yzenas

Title (Dublin Core)

Life in Isolation: The Coronavirus... John Yzenas

Description (Dublin Core)

A virtual exhibition by the Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
For the most part, things didn't really change quickly. Of course, work came out with new cleaning plans, scheduling started spacing out to prevent person to person contact, travel plans were cancelled, nothing crazy. The real question you would always ask yourself is "Are you really sick or do you just think you're sick?" I didn't know anyone who was sick so it still seemed distant to me. I took it serious but still felt i could do my daily routine without too much interference. I think the seriousness finally hit home when I talked to one of my close friends who works as a nurse in a hospital. He talked about how grim of an outlook he had for the near future, about how ill prepared the hospitals were and about how they almost seemed to be "McGuyvering" medical equipment to treat more patients. And when I got home, I looked around at how ill prepared I was. What if things got worse? Did I have enough food? Are the trucks fueled up? Did I have a pan What about medical supplies? And my dogs? These were all real questions I never thought I would have to ask myself. And the scary part of it all, I think I knew it was going to get worse.

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Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science

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