Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Liz Belilovskaya Campese
Title (Dublin Core)
Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Liz Belilovskaya Campese
Description (Dublin Core)
A virtual exhibition by the Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
Unsurprisingly, life during the coronavirus pandemic is full of deep thoughts- some about the past, others about the future, but mostly about the uncertainty of the present. many of the people I care about most live in New York City, and I am worried about their safety. As a result, I am busy researching information that can help them deal with the virus, it's financial impact, and the difficulty of getting access to resources during a health crisis in one of the most concentrated and busiest cities in the world. At the same time, I am trying to enjoy every moment I get to spend with my husband and our animals, while practicing gratitude for all the things that are going well. Being realistic and optimistic is a balancing act that requires cognitive effort and flexibility. In the words of Kurt Vonnegut: "So it goes."
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Type (Dublin Core)
online exhibtion
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Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
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