Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Diane Stock Webb
Title (Dublin Core)
Life In Isolation: The Coronavirus... Diane Stock Webb
Description (Dublin Core)
As a United States Air Force Veteran, I have found the COVID-19 quarantine and coping with all of the restrictions quite easy compared to all of the trainings and combat exposure that I have experienced during my 13-year tenure in the United States Air Force. Adjusting to change was, and still is, quite easy for me. The Air Force has prepared me for every possible crisis and I'm extremely grateful for my hard work and commitment serving my country.
Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
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Type (Dublin Core)
online exhibition
Link (Bibliographic Ontology)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Social Distance
Museums & Libraries
Collection (Dublin Core)
Collecting Institution (Bibliographic Ontology)
Evansville Museum of Art, History and Science
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
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