A working mayor, an exhausted president, out-of-touch rich folk: Haikus during the community quarantine
Title (Dublin Core)
A working mayor, an exhausted president, out-of-touch rich folk: Haikus during the community quarantine
Description (Dublin Core)
These poems document the quarantine adjustment period: the first fifteen days. They are news reports, coping methods, and dreams. They reflect the terrifying and the mundane. I began this project on Twitter, aware that we were entering into what would be an important historical event, and assuming that this project would be what would keep me sane. Soon, cabin fever got to me and I lost my motivation, so I set them aside, hoping that they would eventually contribute to the growing body of pandemic literature. If I don't make it through this pandemic, please remember me through these poems.
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Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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