
Fighting for Equality during a Pandemic.


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Fighting for Equality during a Pandemic.

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Back in March 2020, when we were first placed under quarantine, I was scared. I decided that in order to protect myself and the ones I care about, that it was better to stay home. I got my food delivered, if I had to go out, I made sure that I had my 'N95' mask, face sheild and gloves, took all the necessary precautions. Towards the ended of may, when the police shooting started happening again. I realized that even though we are in a pandemic the world hasn't stopped moving like I had, people were fighting for their brothers, sister, and families lives. They weren't fighting for better health care nor more food. They were risking their lives to protest against police brutality in their communities, and everywhere in the world. For the first time in months, I choose to get up and leave my little street, and join the people who were fighting for Black Lives. I found this so interesting, because no one could have told me that I would be marching through NYC during a pandemic. I wasn't only risking my health by protesting, but also my life. I'd seen the news showing the violent protests, cops body slamming people, tear gas in the air, and most importantly people showing solidarity to fight for what was right. And that when I realized time doesn't stop, because you do.
Junior undergrad majoring in Public Health.

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This item was submitted on August 31, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share your story with us.” on the site “Brooklyn College New York”:

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