
COVID forces 100,000 Venezuelans back home

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COVID forces 100,000 Venezuelans back home

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Over the past five years, Venezuelan migration to Peru has really picked up. With an impoverished country, political corruption, and sometimes no food, Venezuelans have exited in mass. Now with COVID-19, people have found themselves in dire straits and wishing to reverse migrate. This tweet of a WSJ article captures the story of a father and mother who trekked for over 3 months from Peru to Venezuela with their infant son.
After losing his job in Lima, Peru, one Venezualan migrant trekked for three months over more than 2,000 miles to return home with his wife and infant son.

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Wall Street Journal

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This item was submitted on August 31, 2020 by Katy Kole de Peralta using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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