“El consumo de alpaca y llama combate el coronavirus. Está comprobado científicamente que combate al COVID-19”.
Title (Dublin Core)
“El consumo de alpaca y llama combate el coronavirus. Está comprobado científicamente que combate al COVID-19”.
"The consumption of lama meat combats the coronavirus. It is scientifically proven to combat COVID-19."
Description (Dublin Core)
News article from EL Comercio that fact checks the statemet from Arequipa's governor: “El consumo de alpaca y llama combate el coronavirus. Está comprobado científicamente que combate al COVID-19”. A number of different solutions have been proposed to combat COVID in Peru, but the idea of eating llama meat is one of the strangest.
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Gobernador peruano dice que comer carne de llama cura el COVID-19 | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
This item was submitted on September 5, 2020 by Katy Kole de Peralta using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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