
Wedding? Forget about it.

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Wedding? Forget about it.

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Getting engaged in November 2019 was one of the greatest moments of my life. Planning the wedding for 2020 was confusing, exciting, and often involved me agreeing with her. Me being in the US and her the UK this was no problem. That is, until March 2020. The concept of having a two week quarantine for all visiting members to the UK, makes wedding planning impossible. Instead of guest coming for a weekend or maybe a week, you have to plan at least 15 days. 14 in quarantine and 1 for the wedding. Knowing how work schedules and American vacation time works, this is clearly impossible. So here we are wondering in this world of Covid, will we ever be able to have a wedding? or should we just ditch the ceremony and just get married!

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MW1: Covid University: I: The Chat Box Linked Data Text

This item was submitted on September 20, 2020 by Muhammad Whylly using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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