The World Exists in the Palm of My Hand
Title (Dublin Core)
The World Exists in the Palm of My Hand
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The object I'm submitting does not only show us its important during this Pandemic but in everyday life. This object has merely existed for no more than 30 years but has had profound impact on our society. Companies Like Apple Inc. and Samsung Group have made fortunes seeing these items to us. The object that I believe has made a massive impact on my life and the lives of many people around the world are cellphones. These small bricks of metal and plastic seemingly run the world. They control humans and push forward everything from the spread of information to entertainment. Without my phone to keep me entertained, connected, informed and busy; the quarantine and the Pandemic in general would have been much hard. Anywhere in the world I connect and communicate with anyone. During a time when we weren't allowed to leave home phones became a lifeline for communication. I find it very interesting that before the Pandemic people would blame phones for the lack of human contact. Now that the Pandemic has been in full swing the only form of contact we have is through these phones.
Junior Undergraduate majoring in Health and Nutrition concentration in Health Science.
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