
UCSF testing promising new treatment that could lessen COVID-19 symptoms

Title (Dublin Core)

UCSF testing promising new treatment that could lessen COVID-19 symptoms

Description (Dublin Core)

This article by the San Francisco Chronicles is about how the UCSF Hospital has promised a new treatment that could lessen COVID-19 symptoms. I chose this article because it stood out to me as a reader, and I knew it would stand out to everyone else during this pandemic. If this new treatment does what UCSF says it could do to COVID-19 symptoms, it will be a turning point for this awful pandemic. I recommend reading this article because it’s important to keep updated on the most concerning issue that’s spreading around the world. The media has the responsibility to share recent updates and information that is important to the pandemic. Sharing any information about the pandemic is useful for everyone whether it’s good or bad news.

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News Article

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San Francisco Chronicles

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This item was submitted on October 5, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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