Exercising through COVID
Title (Dublin Core)
Exercising through COVID
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The time lapse video shows a little snip-it of how I dealt with quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were forced to shut down for a few months to ensure everyone's safety was first priority. One of the businesses that were shut down were gyms. I was very saddened by this business shutting down because my physical health is very important to me. Physical health has a lot of affect on mental health as well. To keep my mental health in check during this pandemic, I would workout almost every day so that I didn't let myself go through these months of being quarantined. My best friend came over to my house almost everyday for about an hour to workout in my living room. We worked out together to not only stay in touch during these trying times, but to also keep each other motivated to keep pushing ourselves. The only equipment we had access to were dumbbells and a bench. These two things were all we needed to keep going in our physical strength during these rough couples of months. My friend and I were anxiously waiting for the gym to open back up and while we were working each week still not knowing when the gyms will open again, I kept trying to challenge us. Almost every week I introduced a new workout to our list because sometimes it was so unmotivating to do the same workouts every day. I constantly researched and watched videos of what we can accomplish with just some dumbbells and a bench. We definitely got creative with some of our exercises. Although the pandemic kept us away from the gyms, my friend and I decided early on that our mental and physical health will not deteriorate for these next couple of months and we will give it our all.
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Video that I took myself
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on October 8, 2020 by Courtney Arnold using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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