
Homemade Air Purifier


Title (Dublin Core)

Homemade Air Purifier

Description (Dublin Core)

I live in California, and during this pandemic we have also been dealing with devastating wildfires. The pollution from these fires has been very concerning for me. Noticing that all the air purifiers were sold out and me wanting to save money, I found a "lifehack" to make a homemade one with a box fan and air filter. It worked like a charm and was more effective than most luxury models. While I no longer have to deal with the smell of wildfires in my apartment, the constant hum of this contraption is a constant reminder of how climate change is destroying California.
An audio recording of a homemade air purifier

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This item was submitted on October 19, 2020 by Travis Scott Grant using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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