
Care after 5km

Title (Dublin Core)

Care after 5km

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A friend of mine had a rough week. She lives down the coast, well out of my 5km play pen (the distance we Melbournians can travel from home). The phone calls are fine, but can be draining and don't replace a supportive hug. Feeling a bit helpless as a friend, I put together an hour of music I thought she'd find comforting. Diversifying the kinds of connections we keep up has been relieving in that way. Low pressure interaction, much like spending time in person when it is relaxed, calm, and conversation will bounce off stimuli in the world, is hard to replicate digitally. I've really stepped up my playlist game these days. She loved it.


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Screenshot from my computer

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This item was submitted on October 19, 2020 by Jacob Antoine using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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