
Will Trump Use Covid to Pull Off A Bolivia?

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Will Trump Use Covid to Pull Off A Bolivia?

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In 2019 the right-wing party in Bolivia used an excuse to pull off a coup of the government. Sighting irregular election processes. Riots ensued on the streets and within a few weeks, the right-wing power took control.

The US government supported the coup before the election and supported them after the coup.

1 year later Bolivia redid their election and people lined up in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic to cast their votes and re-elect the former government.

I wonder if Trump will copy Bolivia. I believe Trump would be able to garner enough people and support for intense riots. As well as make a contention to the validity of the election. Regardless, from examing Bolivia, anything is possible.

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This item was submitted on October 22, 2020 by Muhammad Whylly using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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