
Arumi Ortiz Oral History, 2020/10/21


Title (Dublin Core)

Arumi Ortiz Oral History, 2020/10/21

Description (Dublin Core)

This is an oral history with Arumi Ortiz conducted by Victoria Villaseñor. Arumi was born in Veracruz, Mexico and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma when she was 15 years old. Arumi is now a senior at St. Mary's University.

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

Creator (Dublin Core)

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)

Partner (Dublin Core)

Type (Dublin Core)

oral history

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

Collection (Dublin Core)

Exhibit (Dublin Core)

#CoverYourFangs>Keeping in Touch

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Victoria Villaseñor

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Arumi Ortiz

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


Transcription (Omeka Classic)

00:00:07.290 --> 00:00:08.670
Victoria Villaseñor: How are you, how are you doing?
00:00:09.150 --> 00:00:09.750
Arumi Ortiz: I'm good. Um. I had—I showered super late today. I was like, I need a refreshment.
So, yeah.
00:00:19.980 --> 00:00:20.370
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah?
00:00:21.150 --> 00:00:23.340
Arumi Ortiz: I'm about to eat in a little bit and you?
00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:30.120
Victoria Villaseñor: I'm good. I'm doing good. Yeah, it's been, uh—we're in the middle of the
semester, sort of like the middle but also it's kind of the end. We have a month left
00:00:32.970 --> 00:00:34.290
Arumi Ortiz: No! Yeah. Don’t think about it. Yeah, no, I feel like I'm always behind. I don’t
know why? I’m looking for socks. But yeah, no like I feel like
00:00:47.910 --> 00:00:51.570
Arumi Ortiz: I’m super behind and now I'm like okay, the semester ends in a month, but yeah.
00:00:55.140 --> 00:00:55.860
Victoria Villaseñor: But oh well. Yeah. We're here. Um, alright, well, I'm already recording. So,
we're going to go ahead and jump into this. I have my questions off to the side. So, if you see me
like looking or giving like side to something, it’s that.
00:01:13.380 --> 00:01:15.390
Arumi Ortiz: Let me go get my water really quick because I’ll be talking. So, I’ll be back. Arumi
Ortiz: But yeah, you can you can continue talking, let me go get my water.
00:01:21.210 --> 00:01:22.680
Victoria Villaseñor: Okay. I’ll just wait for you, you're good.
00:01:23.160 --> 00:01:23.460
Arumi Ortiz: Okay. Are you on campus? Or you’re not on campus?
00:01:29.670 --> 00:01:34.470
Victoria Villaseñor: No, no. I'm, I'm a commuter. I'm from San Antonio so I live at home.
Arumi Ortiz: Oh, that’s nice.
00:01:36.090 --> 00:01:38.400
Victoria Villaseñor: So, I’ve just stayed here throughout everything.
00:01:40.080 --> 00:01:41.310
Arumi Ortiz: That's really, really good.
00:01:42.930 --> 00:01:45.450
Arumi Ortiz: You went—you didn’t do your undergraduate here either, right?
00:01:45.870 --> 00:01:50.520
Victoria Villaseñor: No, I didn't. I’m only here for graduate school, or I've only been here for
graduate school. Yeah. Are you living on campus right now?
00:01:54.450 --> 00:01:58.710
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah!
Victoria Villaseñor: Wow. How, how is it? Is it empty?
00:02:00.150 --> 00:02:07.230
Arumi Ortiz: Um… the hall that I live in is 21 and older. And as always—you can't really see—
sorry, I can't do two things at once. I can't find my…Okay, I’m just gonna grab my…Okay! I
went to grab my—something for the…what’s it called? The water bottle, but I can’t—Okay!
Yeah, the thing where I um, what’s it called. The hall that I live in, it’s for 21 and older. And
usually there's not a lot of people around. For law students and grad students. So…So yeah, so
like I haven’t seen a difference, so much. Maybe just in the cafeteria, where, like, it's, it's, you
can tell where it's different.
00:03:00.660 --> 00:03:12.690
Victoria Villaseñor: Right. Alright, well, we're going to get started. And, um, just start with some
general information your name, where you're from, originally, your major, your classification,
and-and how you got to St. Mary's.
00:03:14.340 --> 00:03:17.520
Arumi Ortiz: Okay, so my full name Luisa Arumi Ortiz Rangel. I was born and raised in
Veracruz, Mexico, and when I was 15 years old, my mom and I moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. And
now, I’ve been living here in San Antonio for three years for school. So, where I'm from, ni de
aquí, ni de allá. Like I feel like I'm, you know, I was raised in Veracruz until I was 15. So, like I
have my roots in Mexico, but also like my adult life has being here too. So, they're both places
that I call home. And also, they are both places that I sometimes I don't know, um. And um…my
major, I'm a theology major, minor in art and I'm a senior graduating, uh, in the spring. So next
Victoria Villaseñor: Oh, congratulation!
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah, I'm really excited. And how do I get to St. Mary's, um…So. When I was
living in Tulsa, I was a youth coordinator for Hispanic ministry young adult team and—I don't
know how to say in English, but it was called Pastoral Juvenil Team. So, I would go to meetings
were—like national events for leadership and stuff like that. And in one of those events, in one of
those meetings, Jose Matos, the execute director of campus ministry here at St. Mary's, was
giving a lecture about the young adults in ministry that are Hispanic at St. Mary's. So that was
very interesting that a school is empowering that too. And so, I wanted to check it out. And I
came. I did a tour and I just, I felt at home.
00:05:15.780 --> 00:05:20.790
Victoria Villaseñor: How—what's the diff—the distance between San Antonio and Tulsa? Like
how long of a drive is it?
00:05:21.390 --> 00:05:22.350
Arumi Ortiz: Eight hours.
Victoria Villaseñor: Wow.
00:05:22.500 --> 00:05:23.880
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah
00:05:25.260 --> 00:05:27.870
Victoria Villaseñor: I went to undergrad four hours away and I thought that was a lot. (laughs)
00:05:28.770 --> 00:05:37.470
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah, no it’s—I don't go home often. I also don't have a car here. So yeah, I don't
go home, often only on breaks.
00:05:37.980 --> 00:05:50.940
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm. Yeah. So, when you were…let's backtrack to last March when
everything kind of happened. What were you doing during spring break? Like, how did you hear
—how did you find out that this was serious?
00:05:51.720 --> 00:06:02.790
Arumi Ortiz: So, I wanted to stay in campus for spring break because I wanted to start packing. I
know it sounds weird, but I wanted to like usually packing is always…Like for going home, like
for the summer, it always takes me so long to do and I'm always—also during break. I wanted to,
I wanted to like study like start studying from my finals because I was feeling like—I wanted to
go to grad school, so always feeling like okay like I need to like do way better in my classes and
like kind of use that time for relax and just to like, just to be like um—I'm very involved in class,
in a lot of stuff. So, I just wanted a time where I could just be where it could just be—where
there was not a lot of people and I didn’t have to travel all the way home, and then come back
and it's just—you know? So, when I heard the news, I was actually at a park. I got a—there was
an email, and I usually don't answer, like I usually try, when I'm outside, don't, don't try to
answer my-my emails. But I got the email and then like a lot of people were texting me like,
“Have you read the email? Have you seen the email?” And I’m like, “What email” and so I was
like—I was trying to relax!
00:07:15.570 --> 00:07:15.840
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah, yeah. What did you think immediately? What was your first reaction?
00:07:21.330 --> 00:07:35.160
Arumi Ortiz: Um…I could not believe it. I was like “whaaat?!” I thought this was going to be…
because previously I have, I have friends in the business school, and then all the professors were
telling them like, “We're preparing you for quarantine. Like if we're gonna, if we—the school
shuts down, this is what they do,” and things like that. And this was like in February, January.
And I like—I was very upset because I was like, “Why would you scared the students? Like this
is like all the way to like—in another, in another country. Like this is not going to be—It's not
going to happen here.” And…I even had talked to, like, some of the—Dean of the students and I
was like “Dean Bessler, like maybe you should talk to your, your faculty that it's not safe for the
students to start thinking about that when there are some people that were already like, you
know, being very racist about Asian people and stuff like that. And, and now with the stuff, it's
kind of like, you know, like it's making the students anxious.” And then…And then that
happened! And I was like, “Oh my gosh!” I, I, honestly, I was like, wow, this is…It did not felt
real. I was like “this is, this is a joke. This is a joke.”
00:08:39.990 --> 00:08:41.700
Victoria Villaseñor: Did you call your parents or your mom?
00:08:42.870 --> 00:08:45.360
Arumi Ortiz: Um, well first…I was like, Okay, well, um, I wanted to leave it like a day to like
realize like what I wanted to do first, because, and I didn’t to scare my parents. And my parents
were not in Oklahoma, in Tulsa, at a time. They were on a trip. And then weren’t going to be
back, um—they, they work, so my stepdad is a geologist. So, he works on sight. And when he
goes out to work it’s like a month or two. And sometimes my mom goes with him. And so, this
was one of the cases where—they would be, they were going to be away from home for like two
months. So, one, I did not want to scare my parents about like, “okay now you have to pick me
up.” How are they going to do that? I didn't—it wasn't clear to me like if we were going to come
back, or if it was just going to be extensive. And if it was going to be extended, I’ll just stay here
on campus. I'm already here, you know, like I didn't see an issue. Um, and then the next day, it
was like…Two days later, and it was like, “No. You had to leave.” And I was like, “Whoa. What
am going to do?”
00:09:53.970 --> 00:10:00.750
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah
Arumi Ortiz: So, I called my parents to let them know that was going to happen and that I was
going to figure out something. But yeah…
00:10:01.800 --> 00:10:04.290
Victoria Villaseñor: So, you didn't go back to Oklahoma, you just
00:10:05.130 --> 00:10:16.590
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah I stayed, so like, we could stay for—So there was like they were going to
extend it. And, I don't remember exactly, but it was like what's going to be extended, extended
spring break. And then two…Two days later, they told us that we had to leave campus. Like we
had to take our stuff and leave campus. So, we can, we can leave some of the stuff, but take, uh,
like very important items and then later we can come back to get the other stuff. Just for me, it
did not felt like…It just, it was a lot because then I would have to go to, Oklahoma—like, you
know like traveling from Tulsa, I mean, from San Antonio Oklahoma, is an eight-hour drive. And
then to come back again and get my stuff. It was like, I'm already stressed because of midterms
and classes and all of this, and then like pack up and “What do I leave? What should I take? Who
is going to take me home?! How can I get there? My parents are not home!” So, yeah.
00:11:11.100 --> 00:11:16.200
Victoria Villaseñor: So then, so then what did…what did you end up doing in that situation?
00:11:16.710 --> 00:11:18.000
Arumi Ortiz: So that—Uh huh. I asked a friend that was here in Antonio, like they were living
here in San Antonio, I asked your friends like, “Hey, can I just say you place for extension?”
Which was like another week. I just didn’t want to go all the way to Oklahoma and then I have to
come back and back and doing all of that, or I don't know what's going to happen there.
It wasn't very clear while was going to happen, like what was going to happen with-with us. If
we had to pack, if we had to leave, if we couldn’t come back until August. Like it wasn't very
clear. And so, like some people were like, you know, already packing their stuff to leave. Some
other people were like, “no, it's not…” So, I just…I just didn't know what to do. And so, I asked
my friends if I could stay with them. One of them said yes and I stay with her that week. And
then one day, we finally got the email that we had to leave our stuff and then be completely
online. Um, that's when I was like, “I can’t stay here for the end of the semester.” You know, like
I can invade their space, their family space. And I had to…I also did not want to go home
because I was thinking my mom would want me to work and go to school. The thing here is that
I work, but I am working campus ministry, like a work with people is not the same as like what
she imagines like eight to five job or like what I used to have when I was there. And every time
that I go back to home, on breaks, I'm expected to work. I'm expected to find a job do something
like actually like mainly work “contribute to society,” what she says. And so, I was scared. I was
like, no, like, I don't know…how would I do classes online, plus the stress of working. Like, I
know I'm going to be expected to work. And then situations at home with my stepdad. I mean,
he-he's a good guy and stuff, but I was going to be stressed. I was going to be stressed at home.
There's—so I was like, “No. I can't. I cannot be there.” And then my parents work from home
too, so WiFi…um, just in general, like I have taken online classes before and it's just been it's
harder. Right. So, I wanted to—for my for my peace. Like I want some like, something normal,
something where I can have my own space without being bothered, I guess. Or where I’m
thinking like “I have to work; I have to do this. And where am I going to find a job in the middle
of the pandemic?” So, um…Thankfully, some friends in Texas, their family—He graduated, so
he wasn't leaving a home. So, there was rooms spare. And the family opened the house for any
students that were they needed a place to stay. And so, I—Yeah, that was, those are such a
blessing that they like. They did not ask for money. They the fed me. They made sure I was safe
and healthy and okay, and they led me to be—if I wanted to stay in the room all day doing
homework and just being there I, you know, I was not bothered. But also, was invited and
welcomed to their family, you know, life.
00:15:05.550 --> 00:15:10.680
Victoria Villaseñor: So, did you stay here—stay with them throughout the semester, like do at the
end of the semester?
00:15:10.950 --> 00:15:12.660
Arumi Ortiz: Throughout the end of the semester. And then summer come-come along and I was
bummed because I had already lined up some internships and these internships were not going to
happen. And it was sad because it would be my last year, a senior, like you know. Internships that
I need—or not that I need it, but I was very like looking forward to, um, that though was going to
help me in, you know, with my future career or put a foot in the door. And so, I was really, I was
really sad. And also, again, I was like, “What am I going to do in Tulsa? Like I know I’m going
to be expected to get a job. I don't want to work again in like, you know, the mall or like a
restaurant.” So, I was kind of like, “What should I do?” And then the Marianists have a-a camp
here in San Antonio. Or, not here in San Antonio, but in Texas. It’s called Tecaboca. It’s in
Mountain Home (TX), so it's like an hour away from here. And they had opened for the summer
and there were looking for interns. And so, I was like okay well I want to do ministry. It will be a
different type of ministry that I want to do, but as long as I have a place to stay, and that I can
actually do something that I like, I’ll stay there.
00:16:39.090 --> 00:16:40.950
Victoria Villaseñor: So, you say that throughout the summer?
00:16:41.280 --> 00:16:56.370
Arumi Ortiz: The whole summer. Yeah, so I didn't. I was blessed in the sense that I did not
experience the fatigue that people experience of just being inside at home the whole time. I was
in a 100-acre place, working outside. We lived in a community, so we didn't have to wear a mask
around us because we already live together. And so, only if we need to leave to town to buy
groceries. And then it was just kind of like one person or two people will go buy groceries, three
max who go buy groceries and then come back and that's it. Which is, go buy groceries and come
back. We didn't, we didn't have to go to the city because there was people that were doing that for
us. And so, you live with the—you live with little because we live in a community and small
place….You know, wearing shorts and Chacos all the time. So, you know what I mean like? So, I
didn't have, so I didn’t have the experience of wearing masks constantly, or being inside…The
fatigue or, you know, finding a new hobby. Like a lot of people found a new hobby. I was, I was
working. I was, you know, working in the camp. And then when the camp closed, I went home.
00:18:06.810 --> 00:18:16.770
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah. So, what were you thinking throughout this time? Because we
received a lot of emails from St. Mary's about what they were planning to do and how they were
going to adapt to the situation and…So what were—you were you hopeful for the fall? Or where
you think things are going to go back to normal?
00:18:22.710 --> 00:18:26.550
Arumi Ortiz: I was very hopeful. I like to think in the good a lot, um…I was like, this is—we
live in in a in America where you know all the good stuff are her, all these things. And it was
really sad to see that something for me that was so simple, like where your mask, please. And
people were like “Nah, I’m no gonna wear it!”. I'm like, “Oh my gosh! Why won’t you wear it!?
Why won’t you?!” I want to—you know, like I felt selfish and I started—first, it was selfish. I
was like, it was all about me and my senior year. It was all about me and being back with my
friends. And then like, hearing stories of people that were working picking fruit that they didn't
have all the health benefits or people that were in the front lines that didn’t spend time with their
families. You know, things like then it started to become more real. And I was like, “Okay, this
is…the world is no around me. This is way more than what I thought was going to be.” I…
Honestly, did not believe—I was like this is just gonna be like in and out, you know. Like if other
countries can do it like I heard—this is America. Like this is going to be in and out. It was a little
bit disappointed. It was very sad and hard because…I, I was hopeful. Like, okay, we're gonna go
back to normal, it’s going to be, you know, like something that we're going to be talking about in
our class, we're going to be in class. And you know, and then as it goes, it was like okay. We're
gonna have small classes, I'm thinking like. We're gonna have smaller classes, that's even better
because you know more interaction with the professors, um…But then like things start going like
it's going to be online; it's going to be online. I was like, “No!” This is, this is not…And to this
day, you know, I already know next semester is not going to look like look my sophomore year,
you know, my junior year so…
00:20:34.980 --> 00:20:41.220
Victoria Villaseñor: So, what are your classes, looking like right now? Are they all online, or do
you, are you able to interact?
00:20:42.360 --> 00:20:59.790
Arumi Ortiz: All my classes online, but one that is a three-hour class. It's in person. And it's at
night. So yeah, there's, there are times where I'm…like I choose to go to this class because it’s
the only thing that looks normal because…It's me and another student in the classroom and the
rest, everybody's online. So, like the professor is talking into the camera and to us and it’s—the
interactions, it's not there. Right. There's no way for me to interact with my peers. And when we
are in small break outs, you know I'm—nobody has a camera. So, I feel horrible talking to
something like it just has their name. I don't even know what they look like, I don't know…You
know, like I, I’m a very personal person. So, like, it's really hard for me to like talking to a
screen, with just a name, you know? And it's just—It's sad too. I don't know how professors do it.
I honestly don't know how-how they must feel, you know, like ignored? I feel sometimes very
ignored when we're in breakout sessions and nobody's talking. I'm like, “Okaaay? Um.”
Um, so yeah, my classes…I have—I'm very blessed. In the theology department, our professors
are very like personal and they are really looking ways to adapt and change, you know?
Professors are sending videos, or recording the classes, or some of them say “if you don't want to
type up the board discussions you send a video. Something.” Right. You know, open quiz, things
like that. Some deadlines are more flexible things—I know it's just professors are, in my case,
some professors are more understanding. Other professors are more like…they’re doing the same
thing that they were doing in other years. And as it's a draining. You know, because I was like,
after your class I go to other classes and I'm tired to seeing this screen and then I have to go back
to the screen to read, and to do essays, and then it's night and I'm done. You know, and then I'm
like okay so now what do I do? And so, it's tiring too.
00:23:18.930 --> 00:23:22.950
Victoria Villaseñor: So how did you make the decision to come back to campus, moving back in?
00:23:25.410 --> 00:23:45.090
Arumi Ortiz: I wanted to, because as my last year, I wanted to have some consistency. I knew,
none of my friends—so all my friends graduated, so that was one thing. And then the other
people that I talk to all of them, most of them, most of them they were staying home.
00:23:45.600 --> 00:23:46.050
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm.
00:23:46.770 --> 00:24:00.960
Arumi Ortiz: So, and again, like, for me, my, my work is very important. Working in ministry
has changed my life and has made me a better person. And so, I wanted to continue having that.
And, again, I'm a very personal person so I was like doing it online, because there's ways to get
ministry online, it will also put a toll on me because I'm already doing classes online. So, we
need some consistency, you know. And it was a hard decision because my friends that when I
was 15 all the way to 25, my friends are in Tulsa. You know, like my best friends are there. My
family is there. So, like I would have some human interaction. But also, I needed some
consistent, like I needed—if I had question if I needed some like resource that are available here
that wouldn't be available if I'm home. And also, just the fact that I can get up here and just walk
around here, on campus. Or, I have the chapel of Abel. Like I said, like the people that I work
with, my mentors are here. I wanted to remain some type of consistency and stability because I
knew that this image here is going to be totally different. So, I need a support system that was
here that I can feel at home away from home.
00:25:28.800 --> 00:25:38.250
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm. Yeah, that it's definitely, there's definitely an advantage to being
in town. I have some people in class that are from like Utah. Some people live like four hours
away someone's from Canada, which is really cool.
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah
Victoria Villaseñor: So yeah, no. Yeah, I agree. I think it's definitely—You have access to
different things that you wouldn't have if you were away, which is interesting because it's
supposed to be virtual learning, but you know, you can't have it-have everything that you would
have. I know that you're really active on campus or I've seen like on your Instagram stories that
you're-you're involved in different things. So, the organizations that you're involved in, like, how
was how was that behavior changed? Like what are y'all doing now to adapt?
00:26:17.400 --> 00:26:31.110
Arumi Ortiz: So, one—something that is really interesting, and that's like—I'm amazed by the
people that I work with, like they’re very visionaries, and they embrace the Marianist person as
adaptation and change. Um, throughout the summer, what they did is that they will call us
personally, or they would try to call one on one, or do Zoom meetings. During the summer I
couldn't because I was working. But…they knew that things was going to be changing. And a lot
of them care about us personally, right. And there was an email that was like, “I'm here for you
need to talk or, you know, call me on the phone.” One of my mentors would call me and, just to
make sure that was okay, for my birthday, he called me and stuff like that. And so, they knew that
we weren't going to be able to gather in place, or like a lot of the students weren't going to be
coming home. And our ministry is very personal. Right, but also our ministry is always one on
one, or small communities. Because we believe in the holistic being of the whole—of the person
right. It is not one size fits all, right. So yeah, we have retreats that are, you know 50 or 100
people come. But after the retreats there are like, you know, small communities. Or we have
events where you know like chapel choir, that are like a huge community, but they always try to
manage to-to be you know, that close community. Right. So, they have to switch change a lot of
things. So, they have retreats that are more one on one, like a campus Minister and the person.
And I enjoy that because it’s around my schedule and it's around the dates and times that I-that
I'm available. So, they have for a week, right. And the, you can meet them, with them online if
you're outside of campus; or if you're in in campus, you can meet with that person one on one,
with six feet distance, and in mask on, right. And I think that's, that's beautiful. On our social
media, we've been trying to bring hope, and that’s something that they, our mentors, are always
telling us like…Just bring hope. Because there's a lot of other people that posting a lot of
different stuff, and other people that are missing being here, but how can we not be all sad and
say that “Yes, we miss you guys.” But how can we bring hope to them? So that’s what we’re
trying to do, bring hope…As the peer ministers we’re also trying to meet one on one, or just do
like small gatherings. Which is something that we have already done in other years like, I'm also
pure minister and like our events were like 10-11 people,15 max. And that was like, “Wow, a lot
of people came in.” And so, that's okay. When they told us “You can’t meet in a big group.” But
maybe I can do one on one, or things like that. It has been a challenge for mass and stuff because
um…Sunday bass is only for students are here. And one of the beautiful things that we had is
that during Sunday like professors, alumni, staff, faculty will come in, it was, it was beautiful
scene, like, you know, a whole community. But now it's more of, um…Just a residence can stay.
We can’t sing. And that's another thing. So, celebrations are being modified, but we know that is
because for the well-being of the students. And we just kind of like, suck it up and what can we
do to continue, you know, being a community of but being smart and being healthy.
00:30:19.590 --> 00:30:23.910
Victoria Villaseñor: That's nice. I had no idea that they were that they modified Sunday Mass for
00:30:24.540 --> 00:30:24.870
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah! Because that way if there, if something happens, it's easier for him to track
down who comes and stuff like that.
00:30:34.710 --> 00:30:40.680
Victoria Villaseñor: Do you feel, generally, like right now on campus, do you feel alright like
safe to just go out and like, go get lunch or anything…?
00:30:42.660 --> 00:30:44.820
Arumi Ortiz: Um, so well. Because I have other friends in different other campus in Indiana,
Houston in Ohio and Chicago, and what they have told me is like…Everybody here, it seems like
they're trying to do their best and…Like from the caf to people that, you know, professors
wearing masks. So, it makes me feel safe when I'm going to the caf and I see people…making
sure that they're being safe. Or it makes me, also makes me feel safe when I go to Commons, and
I don’t go that often, and I see people wearing mask. And I'm like, wow, like I…It gives me
hope. Like St. Mary’s students are actually doing well. Um. there's a lot of hand sanitizers in
place, in places. The tables. I always talk about the tables. But if you don’t, I don’t know if you
have been campus, but there are tables like wood tables everywhere. And so that makes it easier
for you to eat outside because you can you can inside our you can eat outside of caf. So, it's a
place for you to eat. Um, in general, I mean, I do feel, I feel safe, but I also being precautious,
you know. Like, hand washing and all the things that I could do. I don't want to become much
germophobic, and I don't want to, again, I'm a hugger! And that's also been so hard. I’m a person
of, like, “Oh yeah, let's gather! Let's do this!” And they’re like “Arumi, we can’t.” That’s true,
I’m sorry. I do feel safe, but it's not like yeah like let me take off my mass and act like if nothing
happens because, you know. So, it's like, I feel safe, but I'm precautious.
00:32:44.160 --> 00:32:52.140
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm, yeah. Have you—in general, in San Antonio and I like thinking
outside of St. Mary's. How do you feel about the situation going on right now?
00:32:52.620 --> 00:32:55.380
Arumi Ortiz: I went to a; I went to Fredericksburg? I went to, I also take pictures and I went for a
photo shoot. And we went to a park, nobody was wearing a mask! And I know when you're
outside, some people say don't wear a mask but. Nobody! It was a lot of people together, people
were not wearing a mask and I was like, I feel get me out of here. I was like, can we move to
another place. And you know, I had to tell the clients like, “Can we just move a little bit far
away? I just don't feel very comfortable.” And they also they didn't feel comfortable and we
didn't thought that it was going to be that busy, you know. It was—barely you can find a parking
spot. Outside of San Antonio, again, I don't have a car. So, I don't really go outside. When I go
buy groceries, um, I see people not wearing a mask, I see people grabbing something and put it
back and I like “Oh my god!” Things like that, but I…I, I learned this, that I can't worry—Yes, I
have to worry about people, but I have to worry about me first. Like how can I be safe? So,
because if other one is not being safe, it’s not going to take care of me. And so, if I'm safe, I'm
taking care of others. Right, but I don't know that others are also having that mentality. So, I try
to do as much as I can. Um, outside of St. Mary’s, I don't feel that much safe and I try not to go
out as much because of the same reason. And it's really hard because, again it's my last year, and
I'm going to be moving out, and I feel like I haven’t explored all of San Antonio as I wanted to.
If I do go out, it's a place that somebody tells me, “oh no, it’s safe.” Or there’s not a lor of people
or people wear their masks, you know, social distancing. So…
00:35:03.390 --> 00:35:10.860
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah. And have you, how's your family holding up with you being here?
Have you talked to them? Are they worried about you?
00:35:12.120 --> 00:35:19.170
Arumi Ortiz: Um, my mom is very religious, so she's always praying for me I’m sure. She's very
um…She's not concerned because she's like, I don't think there's like she's thinking “okay like
the school is taking care of so many other students. So, I'm sure they're trying to do their best.”
And she also trusts me that I'm a smart woman that I'm not gonna, you know,
00:35:41.310 --> 00:35:41.790
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm.
00:35:42.480 --> 00:35:44.400
Arumi Ortiz: She did stock me up with vitamins. I’m not joking, like. One, two, three, and four!
And there's more and she you know; she's calling me all the time to make sure that I'm being
healthy and stuff. But something that a lot of people are not like talking about is like—what we
wanted to do more in the university ministries is talking about like our mental health, because of
COVID, you know. Like my mom worries more about the health thing and stuff like that but…I
was talking to a professor like, I feel less productive and I feel like I have to be more productive
and I feel like I'm…You know, like always talking to a camera, it doesn't feel real. Like my eyes
hurt, I have more headaches, it's harder to sleep. Like I'm a whole, I love media and I love
digitals and stuff like that. But I'm to a point where, like, I'm done! I’m tired of the phone or the
computer, I just want to be outside. And so, I am really glad that like Dr. Ronis, one of the
theology professors, she's very concerned about our mental health and she's always telling us,
“I'm here for you if you want to talk.” And I have talked to her and she's always really good and
so…Yeah. I don't know if—the school always tries, but I feel like they need to try more about
our mental health. As, like, as much as like you're trying to—like everybody's wearing masks.
Like I feel like they should try more different ways, not just the health center for…I forgot what
it’s called. Not the mental health center, but. You know what I mean, right?
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm.
00:37:44.460 --> 00:37:48.990
Arumi Ortiz: They should have other stuff and things more available for other students that…
we're going through a lot, you know.
00:37:52.530 --> 00:37:58.140
Victoria Villaseñor: Mm hmm. Yeah, it's different. It's definitely—everything feels like it's
changing all the time. Like you said, like coming back and having some sort of consistency. I
definitely feel that. Yeah, some sort of routine again, you know,
00:38:09.300 --> 00:38:09.600
Arumi Ortiz: Yeah.
00:38:11.220 --> 00:38:15.360
Victoria Villaseñor: Well, I think you pretty much hit on all the questions that I had. This was a
really great meeting. Thank you so much.
00:38:18.960 --> 00:38:19.680
Arumi Ortiz: Thank you.
00:38:20.490 --> 00:38:26.820
Victoria Villaseñor: Um, one thing we didn't do at the beginning of this meeting was state the
time and day. We're supposed to before ever oral history. But, I can do that right now. So today is
Wednesday, October 21…right? Today is the 21st? Yes! We started this around 12pm and it's now
12:44pm on my watch. And this was Arumi Ortiz with Victoria Villaseñor. So, thank you again.
Thank you so much for talking to me.
00:38:50.310 --> 00:38:53.670
Arumi Ortiz: No problem. I really enjoyed it. And thank you for reaching out.
00:38:54.390 --> 00:38:58.560
Victoria Villaseñor: Yeah, um, well good luck on the semester. Stay strong. Have a good day, a
good rest of your day and good rest of your week, and I'll talk to you here and there on
00:39:08.400 --> 00:39:09.450
Arumi Ortiz: Okay, thank you.
00:39:09.780 --> 00:39:10.740
Victoria Villaseñor: Thank you. Bye, bye.
00:39:11.130 --> 00:39:11.370
Arumi Ortiz: Bye.

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