
COVID-19’s Impact on Collier County Museum Projects

Title (Dublin Core)

COVID-19’s Impact on Collier County Museum Projects

Description (Dublin Core)

This is an article written by the Naples Daily News discussing the budget issues that Collier County’s museum system is facing due to COVID-19. Since the museum system is primarily funded through the tourism tax, the funding has plummeted about $300,000 due to the pandemic. Steve Carnell, the director of the public services department, said that the museums have taken the hardest hit - the operating budget had to be reduced by a whole quarter ($464,000). Because of this, a lot of the planned growth of the museum has been put on hold until funding can be secured. The article includes even more information on how operations in the five museums have transformed due to COVID-19.

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news article

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Publisher (Dublin Core)

Naples Daily News

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