
The beginning of the end of COVID for me

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The beginning of the end of COVID for me

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When things began to open back up again around August there was talk of a new lacrosse travel team being made(Although not much traveling would be happening). Because no other team had really talked about opening I jumped on it. I was so happy to be back out playing spots although it was not the same. When I showed up for first practice I was a sea of masks from my car to the field. After stretching we got suited up and took off our masks. It felt so nice to finally have my mask of it was 10 times easier to breathe. But the practice was not like it used to be with groups being made and you could not get to close to anyone, as well as coaches had masks on so all of there words were muffed and when they tried to yell at you to change what you were doing it was hard to understand. But moving into October there was talk about a tournament that we were going to play in as well as teams within our club were made so we could practice with our whole team. But there was still the sea of masks at the begging of each practice coaches still wore masks. But at least my sport opened back up it has made each day so much better even if we don't have practices just going out and getting exercise puts a smile on my face.
Sensory Memory

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This item was submitted on October 27, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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