
Video - Toilet paper fight erupts at Coles in Melbourne

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Video - Toilet paper fight erupts at Coles in Melbourne

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I have chosen to upload this article because I distinctly remember when the public fights about toilet paper begun to surface on social media. Initially, I found it hilarious. And then scary. And then kinda sad. And then eventually some combination of all three, alongside a healthy dose of embarassment at the fact Australians would behave in such a way.
While I personally never felt the panic that led to hoarding goods, I know many people who did, and I also remember my housemates and I resorting to using paper towels as toilet paper for a short while because it was impossible to find in the shops near our house.

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News article

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Sydney Morning Herald

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This item was submitted on November 12, 2020 by Jade Smith using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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