Jewish Melbourne: Chevra Hatzolah training in CPR in a Covid world
Title (Dublin Core)
Jewish Melbourne: Chevra Hatzolah training in CPR in a Covid world
Description (Dublin Core)
"Learn how to provide CPR safely in a COVID world.
Join Hatzolah and Ambulance Victoria at 8pm on Thursday 15th October 2020 for a LIVE CPR demonstration as part of AV’s Shocktober.
Make a difference when “every second counts”.
To join: or join us on Facebook"
Join Hatzolah and Ambulance Victoria at 8pm on Thursday 15th October 2020 for a LIVE CPR demonstration as part of AV’s Shocktober.
Make a difference when “every second counts”.
To join: or join us on Facebook"
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facebook post
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This item was submitted on November 22, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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