コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)
Title (Dublin Core)
コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)コロナワクチン市場供給へ 中国で初めて申請(2020年11月25日) - First application in China to supply the corona vaccine market (November 25, 2020)
Description (Dublin Core)
中国で初めてワクチンの市場への供給許可が申請されました。 中国メディアによりますと、国有の製薬大手「シノファーム」は7月からすでに緊急的な投与を開始している開発中の新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、市場への供給許可を当局に申請しました。シノファームは現在、南米のペルーなどで最終となる第3段階の臨床試験をしていて、当局はこの結果を踏まえて許可を出すとしています。シノファームは「100万人近くにワクチンを緊急投与したが、深刻な副作用の報告は1件もなく、ほんの少数に軽度の症状がみられた」と説明しています。
For the first time in China, an application of license to supply vaccines to the market has been put in.
According to the Chinese media, the state-owned pharmaceutical giant "Sinofarm" has applied to the authorities for permission to supply the new coronavirus vaccine under development, which has already started emergency administration since July. Shinofarm is currently conducting the final third-stage clinical trials in Peru and other parts of South America, and the authorities will issue a permit based on this result. "We urgently administered the vaccine to nearly one million people, but there were no reports of serious side effects, and only a few had mild symptoms," explains Shinofarm.
Video translated by Youngbin Noh
For the first time in China, an application of license to supply vaccines to the market has been put in.
According to the Chinese media, the state-owned pharmaceutical giant "Sinofarm" has applied to the authorities for permission to supply the new coronavirus vaccine under development, which has already started emergency administration since July. Shinofarm is currently conducting the final third-stage clinical trials in Peru and other parts of South America, and the authorities will issue a permit based on this result. "We urgently administered the vaccine to nearly one million people, but there were no reports of serious side effects, and only a few had mild symptoms," explains Shinofarm.
Video translated by Youngbin Noh
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This item was submitted on November 25, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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