
Faculty Meeting

Title (Dublin Core)

Faculty Meeting

Description (Dublin Core)

Our school is a private one in a larger metropolitan area in the United States. Our administration is doing everything it can to keep us physically in school. We currently are still operating on a hybrid plan where most of our kids are in class with us but some are online at home. Our school has kept strict guidelines - social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer, and many more precautions have been put in place, including virtual faculty meetings so we won't gather in large groups. In a world where people are clamoring to stay home, I feel safe in my school and I feel that we have done a great job. Some students have tested positive, but our administration and nurse have taken the necessary steps to identify close contacts quickly, quarantine all involved, and test individuals who require it. The pandemic is not being taken lightly at our school and our administration is working many extra hours to make sure we don't have to go virtual. Our teachers and staff still keep a very positive attitude and I feel very thankful to be at this school.

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This item was submitted on December 9, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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