
The Covid 19 College Experience : Procrastinators version

Title (Dublin Core)

The Covid 19 College Experience : Procrastinators version

Description (Dublin Core)

My experience with Covid has been positive health wise. Mentally I feel the need to interact with my peers because that is what I enjoy doing in my free time other than sleeping. I thought I would be building memorable college relationships, talking to lifelong friends but it seems impossible and that saddens me. This pandemic has showed my how financially irresponsible I am! I have spent so much money on nonsense and now that I realized that, I see all the life altering things I could have done with it, but let's not focus on the negative. It isn't to late for change so all those things can still be achieved.
I am a Psychology senior

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This item was submitted on February 2, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story With Us” on the site “Brooklyn College New York”:

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