
you good?

Title (Dublin Core)

you good?

Description (Dublin Core)

At the beginning of the shut down, I got an email from a friend who asked "you good?". I didn't know how to answer that; I wondered if anyone was "good". Over the next few months I worked on a photographic piece for a show at the Museum of Art and History in Lancaster that opened in January. I had a neon sign made for the title. The museum then had glowin the dark pins made to sell in their store. It seemed to hit a nerve because it sold out in few weeks and they have to reorder. I have a fantasy of everyone walking around with these pins: you good?
a glow in the dark pin

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This item was submitted on May 3, 2021 by Eileen Cowin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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