
One person stabbed as COVID anti-vaxxers and counterdemonstrators clash in front of L.A. City Hall

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One person stabbed as COVID anti-vaxxers and counterdemonstrators clash in front of L.A. City Hall

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The title of this article quickly caught my attention and then I immediately felt saddened by the reality that this pandemic has been politicized from the beginning. People have become so passionate that they have lost all reason. There are always two sides to every story but I find it so hard to understand who oppose vaccinations and reject science. Its not at all surprising that the anti-vax side of this particular story showed up in MAGA hats, its further proof of the political foundation of their argument to "fight for their rights". I understand that people want the right to decide, but then those same people refuse to get tested regularly. This issue has been a messy and passionate one from the beginning and its really hard not to blame Donald Trump for the misinformation that is still being used by the anti-vax community.

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text story

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Los Angeles Times

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This item was submitted on August 17, 2021 by Angelica Ramos using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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