
Arizona Doctor Tweets Frustration After Child Exposed to COVID

Title (Dublin Core)

Arizona Doctor Tweets Frustration After Child Exposed to COVID

Description (Dublin Core)

Dr. Christina Bergin shares a thread on Twitter after her child was exposed to COVID in the classroom. She provides a story about spending 18 months doing everything she could to not expose her family to COVID because of her work in a hospital, only to have her child exposed after three days of in-person learning at school. She addresses her tweets to Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, who (with the legislature) have attempted to prevent schools from instituting mask mandates and have threatened to withhold federal COVID relief funding that the state is supposed to disburse to Arizona school districts.

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Social media post

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This item was submitted on October 2, 2021 by Kelly Prevenas using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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