
Every story matters – Continuing the Heritage 2021

Title (Dublin Core)

Every story matters – Continuing the Heritage 2021

Description (Dublin Core)

Continuing the Heritage is a wonderful event that St. Mary’s puts on for its students and staff. It allows all members of the university to participate in a day of service, offering over 30 volunteer opportunities to join on that day. CTH not only brings the student community together but also connects the students to the city of San Antonio and its community. Even with Covid, when everything went remote, St. Mary’s still found ways to make CTH happen and found opportunities for students to volunteer remotely. This year was my second time participating in CTH and I really enjoyed it. The first time I did it was freshman year and I worked with No Graffiti SA and this year I helped in the library at Locke Hill Elementary School. Both times were very fun and rewarding as I got to not only volunteer with friends but also be able to spend some time giving back to my community even during a pandemic.

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This item was submitted on November 2, 2021 by Elisa Aguilera using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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