
Roxanne Kirby Oral History, 2021/05/12


Title (Dublin Core)

Roxanne Kirby Oral History, 2021/05/12

Description (Dublin Core)


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Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Elise Schrader
Kristopher Strebe

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Roxanne Kirby

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Elise Schrader 00:01
Okay, so we are recording. My name is Elise Schrader, and I'm here with Ms. Roxanne Kirby and Kristopher Strebe. Today it is April 25, 2021, and the time is 3pm Eastern. This interview is being conducted over Zoom. I'm currently in Indianapolis, Indiana, as is Ms. Kirby, and Kristopher is in Janesville, Wisconsin. Ms. Kirby, I want to briefly review the informed consent and deed of gift document that you signed. This interview is for the COVID-19 Oral History Project, which is associated with the Journal of the Plague Year: A COVID-19 Archive. The COVID-19 Oral History Project is a rapid response oral history focused on archiving the lived experience of the COVID-19 epidemic. We have designed this project so that professional researchers and the broader public can create and upload their oral histories to our open access and open source database. This study will help us collect narratives and understandings about COVID-19, as well as help us better understand the impacts of the pandemic over time. Recordings, demographic information, and the verbatim transcripts will be deposited in the Journal of the Plague Year: A COVID-19 Archive and the Indiana University Library System for the use of researchers in the general public. Do you have any questions about the project that I can answer?

Roxanne Kirby 01:16
Not at this moment.

Elise Schrader 01:21
Taking part in the study is voluntary, you may choose not to take part or you may leave the study at any time. Leaving this study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you're entitled. Your decision whether or not to participate in the study will not affect your current or future related relations with Indiana University, IUPUI or the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute. Participating in this project means that your interview will be recorded in digital video and/or audio format and maybe transcribed. Recordings and possible transcripts of my interviews, copies of any supplementary documents or additional photos that you wish to share, the informed consent and deed of gift may be deposited in the Journal of the Plague Year: A COVID-19 Archive and the Indiana University Library System and will be available to both researchers and the general public. Your name and other means of identification will not be confidential. Do you have any questions?

Roxanne Kirby 02:15
No, not at this time. Okay.

Elise Schrader 02:21
In addition to your signed document, would you please offer a verbal confirmation that you understand and agree to these terms?

Roxanne Kirby 02:28
Yes, I did. Agree.

Elise Schrader 02:33
I'm also asking that you verbally confirm that you have agreed that your interview will be made available under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial sharealike 4.0 International.

Roxanne Kirby 02:45
Okay, yes.

Elise Schrader 02:48
Finally, I want to ask for a verbal confirmation that you have agreed that your interview will be made available to the public immediately.

Roxanne Kirby 02:55
Yes. Fine, fine. Okay.

Elise Schrader 02:59
So we have that all out of the way. And so I'm going to start with the questions. So when and where were you born?

Roxanne Kirby 03:10
You mean- March 7. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Elise Schrader 03:17
Okay, and what was it like to grow up in Indianapolis?

Roxanne Kirby 03:20
Okay, say that again.

Elise Schrader 03:22
What was it like to grow up in Indianapolis?

Roxanne Kirby 03:27
As a young- I like it, it was pretty nice. More family base oriented, like the neighbors would always look out for each other, you know, and pretty much like neighbors were just like family. The community was all like family oriented. So if anything happened, and they would always connect with each other, and like barbecues and you know, this nature. Yeah. It was pretty nice.

Elise Schrader 03:59
Would you say it's pretty similar, living in Indianapolis now, the same feeling of community and like neighbors helping out?

Roxanne Kirby 04:08
Hmmm, somewhat. It's a little different because more people now seems more private, you know, they don't want to get involved. It just all depends on what's going on. But for us, our family, I think we're pretty much a tight knit family. You know, when it comes to birthdays and barbecues or you know, celebrations or holidays, is pretty good.

Elise Schrader 04:32
Are there any communities that you're- you're a part of?

Roxanne Kirby 04:40
Well I know I did graduate from Martin University as an alumni. They usually have different meetings weekly. And just give us a lot of updates are like they have different events for the community, like serving. Like they food giveaways or just different events that they have. There at Martin University. Yes.

Elise Schrader 5:08
So you're currently a teacher's assistant for the pre-k classroom at Sankofa School of Success. So how did you come to be there?

Roxanne Kirby 05:18
I previously had worked there as a classroom teacher assistant. And I had left there. At that time, I had like 10 years experience, and that I had also had decided to go back to college. And that's when I went to Martin University and continue on with my education and received my master's degree- bachelor's and my Master's in psychology. Yes.

Elise Schrader 05:49
So what was it like teaching in the classroom pre COVID?

Roxanne Kirby 05:54
Oh, it was a big change, of course, you know, just making sure everything was always clean, sanitized. Which meant Ms. Schrader and I, you know, make sure that, you know- And just going over the COVID procedures with the children, you know, 4-5 year olds, just, you know, making sure the good hand washing, and, you know, before they eat, making sure everything is cleaned off and sanitized before eating and sanitizing the toys, and the, the whole classroom has to be cleaned and sanitized daily. And also, well, the difference also- eat in the classrooms, because before they had to eat- we would walk them to the cafeteria. So now we have to eat in the classroom: snacks, and breakfast and lunch. And making sure that we were so many feet, you know, distance away from each other. So one on one end of the table and the other. So there's a difference versus everyone, you know, maybe for the tables, only two at a table.

Elise Schrader 07:08
So, it was around March 2020 that Indiana began shutting down because of COVID. Can you remember what your first thoughts were about the pandemic, when that first began to happen?

Roxanne Kirby 07:18
I was kind of nervous about it, you know, especially, you know, because I really think, well not only me but others was always, you know, thinking too. I'm wondering if it started really way before the end. Because some, you know, some children, not just at our schools, but other schools, where, you know, we think and maybe they just had a cold or something. So there were children that might have been- had stay home because they weren't feeling well, without knowing actually what was really going on at that time. So it was a big difference. It was kind of scary, too, as well. Now, because especially when someone or children, you know, not just our classroom, but other classrooms that may not have been felt by the adults. And so, you know, children stay at home and have to go to the doctor. And also the difference too, was when, before entering the building, we do have to take their temperature, you know, make sure they have face masks. And if they don't have one, we have it right there to make sure that every student that walks in, have the temperature checked and have their mask on. And the hand sanitizers at the door.

Elise Schrader 08:34
So what issues most concern you about the COVID-19 pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 08:42
Hopefully, you know, don’t get it because, you know, you try to be conscious about it, but sometimes you can still be cautious. And you just never know, you know, because even though they don't really know what's really made actual the cause that, you know, because if it's, you know- Some people I know they did everything possible; keeping their hands was covered. And there were others, they're still in that with it, you know, because well we went virtual, and then when they were coming back I think it was after a break that they choose the parents had a choice to either stay virtual or come in person. So they gave them options to see whatever the parent wishes were.

Elise Schrader 09:31
So you mentioned going virtual when Indiana shut down, so what was the hardest adjustment for you going virtual?

Roxanne Kirby 09:43
Learning how- Basically learning the technology that was for me, you know, just knowing what to do how to share and you know- Especially when I enjoyed or working virtual from home because we did have to go home for a while and everyone was home and they- In the transition of going back in person, you know, even though the students’ parents had a choice, you know, either way what they wanted to do, because once the parents already had them set, you know, they already get the, you know, childcare riders, and, you know, just a big change for their schedule. But I enjoyed working home from virtual, you know, and just seeing the, you know, the children, all them, on virtual and being able to share the, you know, the movements, breaks, and lunch breaks and share with, you know, how they feel, you know, because also the concerns was, how was the children feel? How do you feel today, you know, so that kind of helped a lot. Let them know how not just the teachers, but also the students, and we appreciate the parents, who also was there with our, with their, with their child, grandparents, you know, and parents that was there, you know, helping out with the children with their technology as well.

Elise Schrader 11:03
So you mentioned talking to the students about how they were feeling, how hard was it for- How hard was it for them to adjust going virtual?

Roxanne Kirby 11:16
I know, some, some students, they like, “We really miss being at school, we really want to come back” and you know, “Ms. Schrader, we really want to, we love you.” And it was kind of hard, but we try to bring- I like how Ms. Schrader had taken the some of the materials that we did in person and bring it home so that they won't miss out on the things that we did. And then when we did come back into the building, she would, they were still home, but she will come into the building. And she would just, we did a- she had like- both her and I came in and how they, she would say, “Okay, this is what housekeeping look like, the kitchen look like, this is what the hallway is about.” And that really, you know, so that they could get familiar when they come back into the building. And so that they can say this, because I don't think we was able to get to show them actually, this is where the- where you're gonna have gym. And this is the art room, and this is the playground. So that was a way of introducing them. So when they do get come back in person, they were familiar, and really know their boundaries.

Elise Schrader 12:29
Since the kids are so young, was it hard for them to understand, like the severity of the pandemic? Was it hard for you to describe, like what was really happening?

Roxanne Kirby 12:40
We- One thing I can say that the majority of the students, the parents had educated them before they came in, you know, and then they weren't- We had like different songs that we would play about, you know, how to keep your hands wash and why? You know, why you wear your mask. And so they were pretty well educated at home. And so when it came back to school, they were pretty much reminded, because every day, you know, especially on Mondays after the weekend, we got to remind us of who can show us what we do, do we just run and do this? Or do we just walk and put the soap on. And so they you know, so we just practice a routine. So we pick our students to show us how to do that or how to be kind or, you know, especially when dealing with emotions, and all that as well.

Elise Schrader 13:35
So you've mentioned that you guys have gone back in person, but there are still some parents that decided to have their kid learn virtually. What challenges- What was it like to like teach in person and virtual at the same time?

Roxanne Kirby 13:53
It was kinda challenging a little bit, we had to learn, Ms. Schrader and I, will try to see what bit fits best for us. So we had, she would have her schedule. So at a certain time, she said, “Okay, Ms. Kirby, at this time-“ We did not one day- I can say when we did large group, we all were together. So she would have her laptop there where we could always sing “Look Who Came to School Today.” And then we would clap our hands. And then we tell them what to do stand up, turn around, do a little dance and sit back down. So that way, the virtual students were also included in the large group while we were in class, so they could see each other. And they were all familiar because when we all were virtual, they said oh, yeah, are you now so that was a good thing. So everyone was familiar and always included in the large groups. And then when we did, like when we go to specials, we do bring the laptop and the iPod, to the gym so they- Or the art class. And so they have a way of setting it up where they can still see what was going on in the classroom, so they're not left out. And that lunchtime, they may be able to say that they- they may decide to, like at lunchtime, she may put the laptop, right by certain students while we're eating. And while we're all having lunch at the same time, if they so desire to stay on, so that way, they can still talk and say, “Hi, how you doing?” You know, still had that social skills going on? Yes.

Elise Schrader 15:32
So what were you most excited about? To go back to teach in person?

Roxanne Kirby 15:37
Just in this- Always say, “I love seeing your smiling faces,” you know, just being able to come and even though you know, it's kind of hard to say we couldn't hug, we do elbows or you know, or just finger wave or something just for now. But sometimes, like, if they just come we might turn the side just, you know, but it's like, okay, you know, glad to see you. And, you know, like it's though, but it was kind of hard, especially when they want a hug. Now they're not feeling well, or something like that, then we just, you know, we'll still communicate, of course, and to say, “How do you feel?” You know, and we do have a quiet place if they need to rest. And if they're not feeling well also we had- we do have a nurse at our building, she's RN. And so if anyone gets sick, we just call the nurse and let them know that this kid needs to come down. And so we will, one of us will walk her down, that student down to the nurse. And if they are real sick, then we have a station where they you know, students that need to wait like a quarantine room for the students till the parents get contacted.

Elise Schrader 16:54
How would you describe the effectiveness of your school's response to COVID?

Roxanne Kirby 17:04
I think it was pretty well, yeah, they were pretty informed because we did have meetings in the caf and the gym, you know, if we had any concerns. And then they also had videos and letting us know, you know, also we had to have the training, the do's and the don'ts. And pretty much making sure against you know, letting the custodians know, or the front office know if like we run out of certain sanitizer- hand sanitizers, wipes to clean the desk. We just can't- We all have good contact information, let us know, let them know that when we're out or not yet. And we did have that training. And what I also like is on Thursdays, it's like we get a half day, so the students get a half day. But we're also- That gives us time to go over lesson plans and things that we might need to change that may not, you know, work or work on the network. Also, when we have the mental health break, we'll get like a one week mental health break during that time as well.

Elise Schrader 18:20
So is there anything you wish that would have been done different?

Roxanne Kirby 18:27
I know they went in if- As a person that- Let's say a classroom, individual in that classroom had COVID, they couldn't share with everyone in the school, you know, they could just stay with someone. They did send notices home to the parents. And, of course this nervous thing for everyone's like, okay, someone in here has it or whatever. But they would notified the parents, and let them know. But they did whoever was in contact with the individual, those are the only ones that were, you know, had to stay home for two weeks. I think it was 10 days. But it was kind of scary, because you just don't know if you said, “Well, wait a minute, I was with that person for five minutes.” But I think it was a 10 minute rule or 15 minute rule. If it was what the individual for so many minutes, then they would tell you couldn't come back for 10 days, even though they didn't have symptoms, but just because maybe a family came in and maybe they had it. And so that was a concern with a lot of you know, staff because they might were when they was in specials were in that family the whole family was there. So you know it was a scary thing because everyone's like, well, we don't have the symptoms, but there still was precaution to make sure that they stay at home for 10 days. They didn't have any signs or anything. They will still be able to do virtual, so that was another option too. Even though the students well may have been in contact with this student that the teachers were allowed to work virtually at home. So we have like two schedules. One was virtual and one for in-place.

Elise Schrader 20:16
So outside of work, how else is the pandemic affected your day to day activities?

Roxanne Kirby 20:22
That's the- I know when, like when we went out to eat, you know, there was limited. Of course, a lot of the restaurants weren't open on the inside, you could order and go get it. Now, [REDACTED], she ended up with it; she did get COVID. I did discuss that with her that it was okay for me to share that. So, yes, she, I mean, just all of a sudden, she was, you know, got up for work and everything. And then one morning, she got up, she says, like, she- her body's aching and hurting and all that. And so she's like, this is crazy, what is going on? So I'm glad that they had the COVID nurse hotline, so she called them to notify them because a lot of times they wouldn't let you into the hospitals, you know, for safety precautions. So she ended up where they would call in her prescriptions, what to take for the symptoms that she was having. Nauseous, dizziness, she did end up losing her taste, and her smell. And of course, you know, always- And I'm glad that we all have our room with me and my grandchildren, her sons, we are- And make sure we keep our mask on, you know, around her and- They, you can wave from a distance, but making sure that you know- I would bring her food up, and I had to make sure I had everything on protect myself as well. And assist her while she wasn't feeling well.

And also [REDACTED], who I think- Sometimes not just men, but it could be the woman or women that you know, they wasn't feeling well. I checked all my relatives. But he was like, “Oh my, it's just a cold. Just buy this or that.” But he didn't sound good. I said, “[REDACTED], you sound like you, you know, you don't sound like youself.” So I encouraged him to call the hospital, you know, emergency room because he was even basically gasping for air. I'm like, you don't- You can't- You sound like you can't even breathe, you know, but he just tried to convince himself it’ll go away. And I was like, by tomorrow, I really would like for you to call your doctor because you don't really sound well.

So I had an aunt, which was his [REDACTED], and I told her to call him and check back on him. So the next morning, she did, so she ended calling the ambulance and had him to get- Well they did come in. So like we just assumed they just, you know, they had their whole gear on. I guess the ambulance came. They had the protective gear on because we didn't know for sure if he had it, but he ended up, he did have it. So we were grateful that we kinda, that tough love. Get to the doctor. Sure. No, no, you think you're going to be alright, but he was he was diagnosed with it. He was in the hospital on the respirator, and then I think after that he had- he did have to go to therapy. I guess, I- which I didn't know that they would probably have to learn how to walk and all that you know, and of course he didn't like the hospital but that's a different story. And then from being like on prayer list, you know from church, listening to different prayer requests, you know, again when you keep hearing the stories about different people of one's friends family passing from it, and I know several people that have passed from it and this kinda- It was kind of hard just knowing that they have passed or even just got it, it was kind of tough.

Elise Schrader 24:22
Yeah, yeah. So like you were just saying, you know, and a lot of people like in your family and just your friends that have had it. But I know earlier you mentioned that you really like celebrating like birthdays and holidays with your family and friends. So what was it like to celebrate those things during the pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 24:43
It was no different because mostly the ones that, you know, when you so used to having all the family members come, we weren't able to really invite them to come because a lot of times I know, you know, for safety precautions. I know that my children's father, you know, he's in a nursing home so that way, because of the pandemic, wasn't able to go visit him in the nursing home because the, you know, the COVID. So that was kind of hard, especially- It was around the holidays they had because they used to come into him around the holidays, and so writing with him, but it was- No one- We weren't able to go see him. Now, they said, we could come to the window, but, you know, but then they just did- They didn't want anyone, you know, to come in there. Because at first, I think they had changed it where one person maybe two take turns, 15 minutes, then they stopped the whole thing that no one can get, then can visit. It was kind of different because now, you know, just having everyone in at the same time was not was not happening, you know, which is understandable.

Elise Schrader 25:57
So how have you seen people in it, in Indianapolis respond to the pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 26:05
I think it depends on the age group. I'm gonna just say that because some age groups is like it’s nothing. You know, they just, they don't think it could happen to them. Or the ones that are say, older, you know, adults, they pretty much, you know, gonna put it on, and there's maybe a few that didn't, you know, but I know majority of the older wore the mask, some wore gloves, you know, because you just, you know. Or some- What was the- Especially going to the grocery stores and making sure we get all the stuff we need, you know, paper towels, toilet paper. Everyone was, you know, the stores with lines and limited on certain amount of you can buy. You can't buy no more than one like- Okay, so we, you know, we had to think of a plan, you know, my daughter getting in line, you know, because I was- And I can understand that. So we- They were you know, real- Which is a good thing, because you don't want- Because you seen people that was loading up like with 10 to 20 bundles of toilet paper, and people that needed it couldn't get it, you know, find out they were trying to sell it. You know, that wasn't good. But nevertheless, yeah, going to the grocery store, it was different, you know, because I had to set limits on how many you could purchase.

Elise Schrader 27:31
What have you been your primary news sources during the pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 27:36
What was that again?

Elise Schrader 27:38
What have been your primary sources of news during the pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 27:44
Primary- I'm sorry, let me try this again.

Elise Schrader 27:48
It's fine.

Roxanne Kirby 27:50
Okay, say that one more time.

Elise Schrader 27:52
What have been your primary sources of news during the pandemic? So like, how have you been keeping up with like, what's been happening and like different government policies?

Roxanne Kirby 27:59
CNN, listen to the news, Fox with channel eight, just all the news station, also. AM 1310, gospel station, just wider that way. And also, you know, word of mouth, because you know, people that may have missed it, or sometimes I didn't really want to watch the news all the time, because it was just too much going on at one time. But pretty much that was it.

Elise Schrader 28:38
What do you think are important issues that the media may or may not be covering?

Roxanne Kirby 28:44
I thought at one point that when they mentioned about the numbers, I just kept saying, like it should have been more than that. But then at the very end, that's when it all went skyrocketed. So I know it was something more, they just probably didn't want to make people you know, more nervous, which I can understand that as well. Because, you know, people's mentally, you know, there's a lot for, for anyone.

Elise Schrader 29:13
Do you have any thoughts on how local, state, or federal leaders are responding to the pandemic?

Roxanne Kirby 29:23
Ones I know, I know that a lot of again, some of the charities in our community, Grace Apostolic Church, Mount Zion, New Day Pentecostal or a lot of different churches in our community. The churches are getting involved with it, because I know Mount Zion also have, I think at this past weekend, they had where you could make an appointment and get your vaccination, you know, so that was good. And how a lot of other locations they're offering to get your COVID shot, which I have not yet but we'll see. We'll see, but I'm just glad that resources are out there. And they are, you know, all the radio stations, television, even the media, you know, Facebook is young people are commenting, you know, “I got my, I got my COVID shot,” you know. So that's kind of encouraging others and other pastors in the community and great leaders in the community or encouraging one another, you know, like showing that they receiving their’s, trying to encourage others, even the nurses, doctors, you know, others are trying to encourage us all to do that.

Elise Schrader 30:46
So you've mentioned different churches. Do you attend a specific church?

Roxanne Kirby 30:52
Yes, I attend Grace Apostolic Church.

Elise Schrader 30:57
How has that church specifically responded to that endemic?

Roxanne Kirby 31:03
At the beginning, they started off, they closed the doors, because a lot of the churches did close doors, because of the, you know, the mayor decide to, you know, do that for the safety of the community. They would have, like, their services outside in a parking lot. So if they could sit in their cars, or just stay by their cars, and so they would have a stand right by the door, and, you know, have the praise and worship, and then the pastor would come with the Word of God, and even invitation of salvation, they would be saved. And they will give the, the phone numbers, you know, so if there's any concerns, or if anyone had any questions, they would give their phone number. Also, like Bible studies, they would- They do have the Zoom on there, also they did have like, on FaceTime, Facebook-live, you can go click on their, on their website, and then it'll show the services. So if you want to type in some more comments, or whatever, you know, as the services go. This was Sunday school, Bible study, and in-services. And mostly, most churches, I think they are doing it because my aunt was saying the same, which is going with her church, Mount Carmel.

Elise Schrader 32:28
So you mentioned pre COVID, you were pretty involved with Martin University where you went to school, is that correct?

Roxanne Kirby 32:43

Elise Schrader 32:34
Have they tried to make any adjustments to how their alumni communities are interacting as the pandemic goes on?

Roxanne Kirby 32:43
Oh, yeah, they making sure supposedly- They, they do have the spray. My, you know, my daughter does work there. So and, you know, making sure that when individuals come in that they would have to wear the mask. And so as the- I think most of the- What we were doing with that, was most of them were like Zoom calls, and not really in-person. Because I know once the school, they started their classes, they had to come in on the first day of class. And then after that, everything was just virtual. So they thought that was a good thing, because my daughter, Crystal, just finished her last class, she should be graduating in May. So, but yes, they- Basically still everything was virtual, but I know that when they went in-person from working there as well, making sure everyone had their mask and hands sanitizer on their desk and making sure they call before they come in to the office if they have any questions. But most of them I think they worked from home. Yes.

So they, you know, they kind of like that, because, you know, like I said, most companies and even schools, colleges, I've heard, you know, there were cases of it. And my son and my grandson, they called because I think at the school that they attend, the high school, they had, I think it was probably like sport basketball, you know, they was practicing, find out that, that they wanted to not tell the parents, so that was like, “Oh, no, we can't do that. We have to tell our parents,” you know. So not the staff, you know, children will be children. Oh, no, you know, they love their sports, but it's like, “No, we have to let our parents know because we, you know, we don't want to take it home to our loved ones.” So they ended up having to- They did inform me that he didn't have it, but they just quarantine the whole team, the basketball team, so that, you know, it was to be safe. And, you know, they kinda want to tell me, “Okay, grandma keep me in prayer.” Okay. Well, he didn't have any symptoms. And so it was a good thing that a lot of the children did not have this.

Elise Schrader 35:24
So after living through over a year of the pandemic, how have your thoughts and feelings toward COVID-19 changed?

Roxanne Kirby 35:33
More at easy since I’m familiar, you know, knowing the ins and outs about it, it kinda helped me a lot. So I can just because- First of all, everybody's on pins and needles, okay, “What am I doing? What am I supposed-“ you know, because we're not, this is something new. This just hit all of a sudden. Now we kind of know, you know, we've been educated on what to do about it, how to prevent it, you know. Not saying that it can't happen, because sometimes you may not even have any symptoms, and I know, there's some people that do not have symptoms will still end up with.

Elise Schrader 36:07
So as your experience change the way you think about your family, friends, or community?

Roxanne Kirby 36:16
I will say, yes, I still love my people. I still love my family, friends, it's just that sometimes we do have to let them know that they, you know, are, you know- It was kind of hard, even with grandkids, because, you know, people with grandchildren and being able to go see them and visit because I want to go to Florida, you know, well, not at this time, because it's just too much going on. So we will just, you know, FaceTime each other. But other than that, I think everyone is more at ease, and not as you know, nervous about it as well, you know, just making sure we take precautions or what their- the media and others are informing us what we need to do, doctors, because, you know, there's doctors and frontline workers that really educated us as well, and give credit to them as well.

Elise Schrader 37:11
Knowing what you know, now, what do you think that individuals, communities, or governments need to keep in mind for the future?

Roxanne Kirby 37:23
Not to take so long, you know, because then it be so far- and it be so far into it, and then the rush of trying to figure out how we're gonna fix this, you know. And so, I would just think early notification will be better than waiting till the numbers are so high, you're out of control, and don't no one knows what to do you just guessing. And it's new to everyone, of course, but just keep, you know- And I can say that, on the on the radio, they are, you know, they are giving the statistics, and, you know, informing us about these things. So, which is good. I think we are as a whole have been well educated, you know, learn from all these experiences, you know, even though there was sad times and good times, but then able to just come together as a community to work together to make this thing work.

Elise Schrader 38:26
How would you compare this pandemic to other big life events that have happened in your lifetime?

Roxanne Kirby 38:34
Honestly, I've never had anything like this experience in my life, but I've never really experienced anything like this. But I'm sure that you know, others that have experienced this back in the past, like people that are in military, you know, they have experienced a lot of different things that were- And it can be a scary thing, because a lot of times, you know, sometimes it's like, there's, there- Some may say, “Well, you know, we trust the government,” they say this, what are what are they really saying, you know, you want to read between the lines, because sometimes they'll say one thing, but what are you really saying, you know. And so I think that's why a lot of times as adults, we like, “Oh, let me see what happens when they get this COVID shot out. Let's see what's gonna happen first, is it gonna cause this happen to a person to get it? Or are they just run a ton of tests us, you know, using this testing?” You know, there's a lot of comments about that. What are they really trying to do? So that's why it can be a scary thing.

And like I say, because like in World War I or II, you know, there were different things that they did. I think it was called Tuskegee, I think, and where they say all this, “Take this and your family be not- You know, well and free,” medical this and that, and find out it wasn't what they said it was. So I think a lot of times they just afraid that, can we just, you know, the health people, health department or whoever medicines that making all this stuff. Don't be using us as a guinea pig, because that's what people are saying, you know, “I won’t be tested like no guinea pig,” you know. You just, you know, just saying come on, you know, they're not they just gonna see what's gonna happen. Let me see what happened to all that, you know, the ones that decided to get shot, immunization. So, and I can understand that because you just don't know.

Elise Schrader 40:53
So looking forward, what do you hope your life is like in a year?

Roxanne Kirby 40:58
In a year? Just continue being healthy. It's not gonna be around, you know, intend to attend fellowship, being around my friends and family, you know, and all that good stuff. I think that's about it. Is my brain staying healthy and enjoying life?

Elise Schrader 41:23
So those are all the questions that I have for you. Is there anything that wasn't asked or discussed today that you do want to speak about?

Roxanne Kirby 41:36
When you mentioned something about something different. When I talked about the stimulus checks, I was meant to that was something different, which was a good as a whole because lots of people have lost jobs, and needing that the money to help support their families and those who had lost homes and jobs. So that was a difference, you know, because there were some people that I know that had to draw unemployment, but I was grateful that the stimulus came because that was that was a true blessing that President you know, allow us to receive.

Elise Schrader 42:16
Alright, well, that's it. Thank you, Ms. Kirby, for agreeing to participate in this project.

Roxanne Kirby 42:22
Thank you. Good rest of your day. Thank you, too.

Elise Schrader 42:26
Thanks. Bye.

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